♕ Chapter 105 ♕

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Preeti: I guess so. Now let's go and remember we can't mess up.
Ari: Okay.

They went inside and went to the 18th floor.

Ari: This is the floor, but which appartment?
Preeti: There's only one way and that is we have to knock on every door.
Manjul: Can I help you?
Preeti: No.
Ari: Actually we were looking for Siddharth Nigam. Do you know where he lives?

Preeti mentally facepalmed.

Manjul: Come let me show you. Security make sure these two trespassers are not near this building. If I see them you will be fired.
Guard: Got it Mr. Khattar. (Manjul went)
Preeti: Oh God Arishfa that was Manjul! That's why I didn't say him to help us!
Ari: Sorry I was being so stupid.

Sid: I can't believe she is the one behind this kidnapping.
Guy: I guess this the appartment. The door is locked. Wait a minute. (he opened the door with some idk what tricks) This was the easiest door to break through.

Manjul: How did you get in?
Sid: None of your business.
Manjul: Oh so finally we are face to face Siddharth.
Sid: Where is Avneet.
Manjul: Why should I tell you? (

Sid clenched his fists, ready to punch him and break his nose. He was about to do so but that guy stopped him.

Guy: Bro go and find your girl. I will take care of him.

Sid left and started opening each door of that appartment. Finally he found Avi locked up in the basement.

(A/n: Don't look at me like that, idk if appartments have basements or not)

Sid: Avi.. (He quickly ran and opened her had and hugged her tightly like his life depends on it) Are you alright?
Avi: I am fine.
MM: No one is going out of here.

Sid was hella shocked to see the person.

Sid: ..............

To be continued…
Don't guess because I know it will be wrong 😂😂
Stay tuned for the next chapter.

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