♕ Chapter 101 ♕

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Sm1: Boss, this is the mess we didn't expect.
Person: ......
Sm1: I don't care because if I go down, I will make sure I am not the only one.
(Call ended)

*Boys appartment in Cali*
Preeti: Okay officer. Keep us updated.
(Call ended)

Girl: What happened?
Preeti: All those informations were useless. The stalker used different phone numbers to contact Riyanshi and those numbers don't exist anymore. The address given by her was a old basement, the stalker is a pro I should say.

Girl: The guy knew what he was doing.
Lucky: Stop making it sound creepier guys, he is a stalker not a murderer.
Girl: I have an idea!
Preeti: What is it?
Girl: Remember I told you about that psychic?
Both: Yea.

Preeti: I understood what you want to say.
Lucky: Care to explain?
Preeti: What she wanted to say is we have to visit the psychic right?
Girl: Yea.
Lucky: Wow you have a high leveled brain. Are you an antaryami?
Preeti: Stop your nonsense please.
Lucky: Why do we have to visit that psychic?
Preeti: Dumbo!

Girl: Yaar don't start fighting. So, we will visit there because whatever she said about Riya's future, it's literally true. So we can visit her and atleast get a hint about what will happen next!
Lucky: Good.
Preeti: I am in.
Lucky: I am not!
Girl: Did we ask your opinion?

*They went to visit that old lady*
Lady: What can I do for you?
Preeti: Are you seriously wearing those sunglasses inside this old dark tent?

Girl: Don't judge her style. So we wanted to know about someone who is trying to sabotage Siddharth's reputation.

(A/n: No my dear brain don't think about among us)

Old lady: It's someone from his past my dear. Not one, but two. Both of them won't stop until they completely break him.
Preeti: Dude, what does she even mean?
Girl: Let her finish first.
Old lady: But he is protected by love and friendship. Somethings you need to figure out on your own.
Girl: Thank you.

Preeti: I didn't understand a single thing except for that two people are there trying to ruin him.
Girl: Like one stalker wasn't enough.

*Preeti's phone rang*
Preeti: Wha-
Anu: Be home right now! Siddharth and Avneet will be here any minute. We are having a party.
(Anu cuts the call)
Preeti: Woah she needs to stop screaming on little people.
Girl: What did she say?
Preeti: We are having a party.

Girl: I have to go home once. There's no way I am going to the party in this outfit.
Preeti: Let's go together.

*Outside boys appartment*
Avi: Where should we go first? Our or yours?
Sid: Let's go to our appartment. I am sure Anu and Jan will be there too.

(As the opened the door)
Everyone: SURPRISE!!!!!
Sidneet: OMGGGGG!

*After party*
Ri: So guys there is something we didn't tell you. (Referring to Sidneet)
Sid: What is it?

They told Sidneet what that old lady said to them.

Fai: We have to find that stalker before it's too late.

*Next Morning*
Jannu were banging the boys appartment door
Fai: What happened?
Anu: Avi is missing!
Sid: What do you mean by she is missing? Call her!
Jan: She is not picking up.

*After an hour*
Sid: The officers are searching her.

*With Avi*
There were two people who opened their maskes. One was someone unknown and the other was....

Avi: No it can't be you. Are you a doppelganger or something? Because you can't be him. You can't be-

She felt everything went blur and then she collapsed.

To be continued…
1. Guess who are they?

2. Avi is kidnapped, how will Sid find her?

3. Who is the Girl?

4. Both of them are close to Siddharth. Any guesses who are they?

5. Is it true whatever that psychic said?

Answer these questions by your guesses to get the next chapter 🖖🤞

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