♕ Chapter 32 ♕

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Sid: Riya what are you doing here? And why are you dressed like a hobo?
(Riyanshi hugged him. Siddharth didn't hug her back)
Riya: Sid. You won't believe what happened last night.
Sid's pov: Ugh what is this drama now
Sid: Would you like to get off me now? I could hear you just fine from there. (She left him)

Riya: Sid I literally was on verge of death last night. There was a strange man, he said he wanted to get to you, and he took me.
Sid: Wait what? If he wanted to get to me. Why would he take you?
Riya: Because he thought I am your girlfriend.
Sid: Eew. Why would he think that? I mean we barely know eachother.
Riya: Sid can't you feel the chemistry between us? I know you feel it too, we would make the ultimate power couple.
Sid: What the hell you are talking about?
Riya: Sid, you are my soulmate. I had a tarot reading done and it showed that you and I are made for eachother.

Sid: That's intresting I guess. But sorry, I'm not interested. Plus it smells really bad here right now. I can't breathe. So I am gonna go now. See you around Riya. (He left without letting Ritika reply)
Riya (shouts): SIDDHARTH.
Riya's POV: It's all that Avneet's fault. No one takes my man. (She stomped off)

(Next day after college. At appartment corridor)
Some boys came to Sid.
Sid's pov:
-After dropping Avneet to her appartment, I saw some boys coming towards me. I can't actually recognise them. One of the boy said-
Boy1: Hey Sid, Who's that girl?
-why do they want to know now?-
Boy2: Is she new in our appartment building?
Boy3: You gotta introduce us or better.... Gimme her number.
Boy1: No way, put in a word for me please.
Sid: ...........

To be continued…
Stay tuned for the next chapter.

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