♕ Chapter 39 ♕

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*2 months later in college*
The group except Abhinavi had the same class. The class was about to end when the peon walked in and told something to the teacher and left.

Teacher: So students there is a notice for you all that the exams are postponed due to some reasons. Your exams will be held after two weeks instead of next month. No need to take much tention because the exam will be conducted according to whatever done in the classes till now nothing much. You all are free to go home after the first class and also have a holiday for the two weeks. You'll come directly on the exam day. Thank you.
(Ring ring. Class is over)
Ri: What the freaking hell was that?!
Jan: Exam that too in just next two weeks?!
Avi: I have paid 0% attention in classes.
Ana: I don't even know the syllabus.
All: High five.
Jan: What to do now?
Sid: I don't know...... Maybe study?
Avi: Thanks for informing, we didn't knew. (Note the sarcastism)
Dev: I guess we have to do a group study again.
All: Guess so.
Fai: When should we start?
Dev: Maybe tomorrow?
Avi: It's too late. We have to start from today I guess.
Ri: Okay, so guys go home and fresh up and let's meet in our appartment.
Fai: We can have a sleepover too.
All: Okay! Meet ya in evening!
(All of them left for respective homes/appartment)

*In the evening*
Sid: Come to my room we can study there.
Avi: From were should we start?
Anu: Economics?
All: Okay fine!

*After 2 hours*
*A flying pillow was received by Jan right on her face, directly at her nose*
Jan: Ughhhhh. WHAT AND WHO WAS THAT?! (She saw Faisu rolling on floor laughing. She threw it back to him. Faisu catches it. Threw it back to Jan but accidentally hit Sid)

(A/N: And here the pillow fight starts)
After a few minutes the room was full of feathers.
Ri: Guys guys guys need to clean up the mess.
All: Whatever.. (Within 10 minutes the room was clean and they went back to study)
*After 3 hours*
Ri: I hope that's all for today.
All: Yeah. I guess.
Ri: So what to do now?
Jan: ..........

To be continued…
Double update 😉?
Stay tuned for the next chapter.

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