♕ Chapter 97 ♕

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Sid reached infront of Avi's house. He took a deep breath and knocked the door. The person who opened the door was Am.

Am: You? What are you doing here?
Sid: I am here to see Avneet.
Am: What makes you think I will let you see her after what you did?
Sid: But....
Am slammed the door.

*In California*
Ri got a call from unknown number.
Girl: Is this Lucky?
Ri: No. But, who are you?
Girl: I am (A/n: Itni bhi kya jaldi hai?) Can you give me Lucky's number? I have something very important to share.
Ri: You can tell me if you wish to.
Girl: Can I trust you? Because this is about Siddharth and his girlfriend.
Ri: You have called the right person.

Girl: Okay. Can we meet? Because this cannot be discussed on phone.
Ri: Okay. So meet me at Starbucks in an hour?
Girl: Sure. Can you bring Lucky too? I am a fan.
Ri: Are you sure your information on Sid and Avi is helpful?
Girl: You will thank me for it.
Ri: Okay. Then I will bring Lucky along.
Girl: Thank you.

*With Avi*
She was standing on the balcony starring at the stars remembering all those moments spent with Sid when she spotted him sitting on the garden swing looking all sad. She quickly got up and quietly sneeked out to meet him. As soon as Sid saw her coming, he ran to her and hugged her tightly and she hugged him back.

Avi: What are you doing here.
Sid: I- (Avi cuts him)
Avi: Wait I don't think mom will happy to see us together. Come with me.

She took him somewhere.

*With Ri*
Ri: Yes.
Lucky: No.
Ri: Yes.
Lucky: No.
Ri: Yes.
Lucky: No.
Ri: Yes.
Lucky: No.
Ri: Yes.
Lucky: No.
Ri: Yes.
Lucky: No.
Ri: Yes.
Lucky: No.
Ri: Yes.
Lucky: No.
Ri: Yes.
Lucky: No.
Ri: Yes.
Lucky: No.
Ri: Yes.
Lucky: No.
Ri: Yes.
Lucky: No! I will not let you to set me up with some college girl.
Ri: ..........

To be continued…
Who's the girl?
Stay tuned for the next chapter.

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