♕ Chapter 35 ♕

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*In kitchen*
Sid: Here.

He said handling her a cup of fruit juice. She go ahead to take the cup from his hand. He doesn't let it go, neither the cup nor her hand. She shivered and the cup fell down.

Avi: Sorry.
Sid: Did you woke up on the right side of the bed today?
Avi: No! Why? What's changed?
Sid: Your eyes. Which are usually filled with confidence. (He said coming closer to her while she stepping back by his every step. And  he pinned her to the nearby cabinet with his hand blocking her way) Have I made things awkward?
Avi: N-no. It's all i-n your head. (She said trying her best not to stammer)
Sid: Do you want to know that what is going on in my head?

He came closer and leaned. Their breathe mingling. Their faces inches apart. Avu closed her eyes due to his effect. He leaned more mad moved to her ear and whispered

Sid: You can open your eyes

And left her and went from there to the group. Avi opened her eyes, let out the breath she was holding from don't know how long and took another cup and left the kitchen.

*Somewhere else*
Riya: So, how do I look.
Girl: Good. But you forgot to put on a top.
(Check media box)
Riya: This is the look for today. Gotta show Sid what he is missing out.
Girl's pov: Right, in your dreams. She has totally lost it.

*Back to the party*
As Avi came, Jannu went to her.
Jannu: What's the tea?
Avi: Tea? i am not having any tea. It's a fruit punch.
Jan: Don't act smart. You know what we are talking about.
Anu: About the fruit punch stirring between you and Sid.
Avi: Bottoms up. Gotta get a refill. (And ran away to escape their questions)

(She went to the kitchen and two boys again followed her)

Boy1: Hey beautiful. Here's your drink.
Avi: Thanks. But I just had one.
Boy2: By the way, I gotta ask. Is your body from McDonald's? Cause I am lovin' it.
Sid's pov: They have got no chill. Does she always have to look so beautiful?

Meanwhile Riyanshi entered.
Riya's pov: Where is my cutie? Oh there he is.
Pov ends (she went to him)
Riya: Sid. My love.
Sid: .........

To be continued…
Don't expect much romantic scenes I really suck at it 🙂
Stay tuned for the next chapter.

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