♕ Chapter 69 ♕

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Sid's pov: This girl is amazing. She is putting my life and happiness before hers. I can see the pain in her eyes which she is trying to hide. She honestly cares about my feelings and what I think of her. No one ever cared about me this way.
Pov ends
Sid: For me none of these matters as long as you trust me. You coming on this trip with me was the most special thing for me. Maybe you don't know but I do care about you. I am really happy to have you by my side. (He hugs her tightly, she hugs him back. They remained like this for few minutes. They broke the hug. Sid leans in and look at her eyes asking for permission. She closed her eyes granting permission to him. He leans more, there breathe mingling, and were about to kiss when...)

*Knock knock*
(Avi pushed him and went to open the door blushing, Sid was scratching the back of his neck looking down. She opened the door and it was Preeti)

(A/n: I am the spoiler 😜😂)
Preeti (smirking): Who takes this long to open the door?
Avi: Sorry we didn't hear it.
(Preeti was still smirking looking at both of them as they were red tomato by now)
Preeti: Anyways, turn on the tv and put Celebrity Tea.
Sid: Why?
Preeti: Do as I say.

They turned on the tv.
The camera focus was on a guy named Tyler when Cindy walks in
Cindy: They are here for me. The camera should be on me!
Tyler: They had seen enough of your ugly face.
Cindy: How dare you?
She slapped him. He pushed her. She pushed him. He again pushed her.

*Outside tv*
The three of them burst out laughing.
Avi: Lol!
Preeti: Their stupidity will be headlines tomorrow.

*Knock knock*
Avi: Who's there now?
Sid: Preeti just open the door?
Pre: Why me?
Sid: We are tired.
Preeti: Ugh (she rolled her eyes)
Sid (in mind: You will thank me later)
Preeti (shocked) YOU??!!
Sm1: .........

To be continued…
Who's at the door?
Stay tuned for the next chapter.

Why Me? [Completed] ✓Where stories live. Discover now