♕ Chapter 83 ♕

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Ri: What if the person decides to kidnap me?
Sid: Why will the person even kidnap you?
Ri: Because you know the kidnapper always kidnaps the hottest person in the group. It's not my fault that I am so hot and now I am in danger. So I am not safe. (He looked around and found everyone rolling on floor laughing hard) Guys I am serious.

Anu: Oh! Hi serious! This name doesn't suit you.
Ri: I am not joking.
Sid: Because you are serious.
Ri: Can we take this discussion to airport as we have a flight to catch too.
Fai: He is right. Let's go guys.

*Meanwhile in California*
Riya was sitting there fully angry.
Riya: I have never been treated like this before. He sent me the tickets and when I flew there he treated me like a trashbag?

Girl: Oh. You are back! And you didn't tell me you are going to be so famous! Twitter is flooded with your mentions and so is the news. And Jenny, my favourite reporter was also talking about you. Wait I will read you my favourite tweet. "Siddharth's new girlfriend looks like Bellatrix from Harry Potter." It's tweeted by some Preeti. But I always thought you looked like Umbridge.

*With the group*
They reached their hotel.
Sid: Home sweet home.
(In front of the girls appartment door they found something)
Jan: What's this?

To be continued…
Small chapter?
I am busy with assignments.
Well nothing, I'm just excited to read your treats 😉
Stay tuned for the next chapter.

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