♕ Chapter 89 ♕

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(The group except Avi saw the notification and were shocked)
Group (except Avi): WHAT THE FUCKKKKK?!!!!!!!!
Avi: What happened?
Anu: Check Siddharth's instagram, he posted something a minute ago.

(Avi saw a picture of Sidneet kissing)
Avi (holding back her tears): Gu...guys I...I am com.. coming in a mi...nute.

She ran to the washroom without letting anyone speak.
Lucky: I will be back too. (He too left. The group was still in shock)

*With Sid*
Sid: Wait. My phone? Where's my phone?

He checked his pockets and his bag but didn't find his phone. Finally he found it in his locker.

Fai: What are you doing with your phone?
Sid: I have to delete this post.
Ri: What is the use now? I am sure millions of people have already seen it.
Sid: I can't open my account! IT'S HACKED!
Ri: Try resetting the password.
Sid: Can't do.
Fai: Use your number.
Sid: It says wrong number.
Ri: Email?
Sid: Not working!!
Ri: What to do now?
Sid: I need to find Avi. She might be in canteen with the others. But that was half an hour back. I guess she has already seen it, now she will also leave me.

(Lucky came)
Lucky: HOW DARE YOU SIDDHARTH? I thought you had real feelings for her, I gave up my own feelings as I saw how happy you two were together. But you did all this for fun? You played with her feelings? I thought you were my brother but I don't know you anymore.
Ri: Relax Lucky he didn't do that!
Sid: But I can see the damage. If my best friends can believe that it was me, then maybe Avi also... (He tried hard not to break down)

Lucky: You didn't do it? Then what about the post? How can someone else can have the picture?
Sid: I have no idea. (He got a call)
Sid: ........

To be continued...
Stay tuned for the next chapter.

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