♕ Chapter 72 ♕

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Cameraman: Found her.
Reporter: She looks exactly like the description! It can be her. (To Riya) Excuse me? Would you like to appear on camera?
Riya: Woah! I knew I am meant to be famous.
Reporter: So, you are the mystery woman Rickie brought here?
Riya: He told this to everyone?! I mean... yeah I am.
Reporter: So apart from money digging, what do you do?
Riya: If my man wants to bring me on wealthy vacations and spoil me with rich gifts so I just let it be.
Reporter: So you don't deny that you are with him for his money and fame?
Riya: Well that's not entirely true, but it doesn't hurt. I mean look at me, I am sure you have never witnessed such a beauty before. I deserve to be in power couple.
Reporter: So I must say Rickie has found you from a dustbin. So people let us know what you think about Rickie's new girl on Twitter using the hashtag hellotashbag. This is me Jenny signing off.
*Boys gang*

(A/n: Till the meantime boys were in one group seeing that reporting hiding somewhere and the girls in one group gossiping)

Sid: Well her coming here wasn't completely a waste.
Fai: Yeah. The media is distracted!
Sid: Point! Who would have thought Riya could also be useful.
Ri: Now you two "JuSt bEsTfRiEnDs" can enjoy the trip peacefully.
(Sid rolled his eyes)

*After an hour*
(Sidneet decided to walk around the beach so as to escape the paparazzi after 12 minutes they stopped. Avi was standing in front and Sid behind her)
Avi: Wow this is perfect!
Sid: Perfect for what?
Avi: To give you this. (She turned around and gave him a packet) Merry Christmas Madoo.

(A/n: Don't kill me please and let me know what you guys thought >> ;)

Sid: What is this?
Avi: Open it.

Sid: What is this?Avi: Open it

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Sid: Woah. (He exclaimed wearing the jacket)
Avi: It looks good on you!
Sid: Thanks.
Avi: I hope you like it. I know this can never replace your leather jacket but I really hope you can make new good memories with this one.
Sid: I love it! Um I have something for you too.

To be continued…
Stay tuned for the next chapter

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