♕ Chapter 73 ♕

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(A/n: *finding a place to hide* Pardon my mistakes please 🥺😬)

Sid: Thank you so much Madoo, and here am I, an idiot who didn't even think about a gift.
Avi: It's ok. You are a dumbass, do you think I expected a gift in return?
Sid: But I have something for you. (Saying this he took Avi's hand in his) I love you. (Avi was shocked but composed herself) So let's start from the beginning, our first meet was not that good as you know we started hating eachother at first. But as time passed we befriended, we became good friends, from good friends to best friends and from best friends to Madoos. (Both chuckles) I don't know how and when I started falling for you. Your smile, your cuteness, your childish antics, your beautiful eyes made me fall for you by every passing day. So (he took a deep breath) Miss Avneet Kaur from fake girlfriend, will you be my real girlfriend? (Avneet was shocked as well as happy, and was not able to say anything but Sid misunderstood it) please don't break our friendship. It's ok if you don't lo-

Avneet didn't let him complete and smashed her lips onto his. Sid was shocked first but soon composed himself and kissed her back. They felt the whole world freeze in the moment. The kiss was slow, warm yet passionate. Sid's one hand on her waist while the other wrapped around her neck, interwined his fingers with her hair. Avi's both the hands around his neck, one of them caressing his hair. Sid pulled her closer, tilting her face to deepen the kiss. He licked her lower lip asking for permission. She granted. Soon there was a fight for dominance. They broke it when they were out of breath. They joined their foreheads.

Avi: I love you too, and yes I will be your girlfriend.

They were like this for a few more minutes and then left to meet the others. But found all of them were gone so they also left walking hand in hand. They reached the hotel and went to fresh up. While Avi was in washroom Sid texted Preeti.

Sid: Hey there, free right now?
Preeti: Wassup?
Sid: You are the best.
Preeti: So you proposed her?
Sid: Yes.
Preeti: What did she say?
Sid: Yes ofcourse.
Preeti: I want details!
Sid: Fine.
Preeti: Party kab de raha hai?
Sid: Soon.
Preeti: I will not let you leave Miami without a party.
Sid: Ok ok chal bye.
Preeti: Bubayee.

When all were leaving for Christmas party. Sid stopped and called Preeti.
Preeti: Guys you go ahead we are coming.
(When they were out of sight)
Preeti: Say.
Sid: ..........

To be continued…
Pardon my mistakes I suck at romantic scenes 😐
So was that proposal expected or unexpected?
Stay tuned for the next chapter

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