♕ Chapter 55 ♕

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Fai: They will, when we tell them we are bringing our girlfriends with us.
Sid: You know she is just my friend, and also I will never lie about that.
Ri: Yea yea "just friends" (he finger quoted)
Fai (whispers to Ri): He is so stubborn.
Ri (whispers back): Wait I have an idea.
Fai (whispers): Will it work?
Ri (whispers back): 101%
Ri: Fine than. Jan is going home for holidays, right Faisu? (Faisu nodded) Anu will go back to her parents mansion. Avi will stay here ALL ALONE (he pressurized "all alone"). Well at least Max and Luke are here for her to accompany her in these cold nights.

(Sid was getting flashbacks of them in hotel corridor till the casual party)

(A/n: Your dear lazy author is too lazy to write and also too lazy to go and check the chapter number so, read past chapters in case you forgot)

Sid: I will talk to Aryan about the three coming along with us. (He left for his room)
Fairi (high five): 9999 IQ bro!

(A/n: Okay I should stop playing games too much)

*Next day*
(Management office)

Aryan: Are you serious Sid? It's not possible to rearrange the bookings at last moment, you guys need to leave in a couple of days.
Sid: I know it's kind of last minute, but it's important.
Aryan: You can take your friends to __________ later.
Sid: That's the problem! She is not just a friend, she is my girlfriend. I want her to be there at the launch party.
Aryan: Girlfriend? But I have never heard about her.
Sid: It's because we are keeping it low-key. Come on Aryan you can at least do this for us brother.

Aryan: Fine. But keep it low-key till the label launches. I will see what I can do. So I guess we don't need to book extra rooms right?
Sid: Isn't it totally opposite to staying low-key? I think a different room would be better.
Aryan: Why would you want a separate room for your girl? Unless you are lying.
Sid: Fine.

*Avi's room*
The trio was chilling. Jan got a call. *After call*

Jan: WE ARE GOING TO __________. Come on girls pack your bags, we are leaving this Friday!!
Avi: For real?!
Anu: Of course!
Avi: I mean, Jan did your mom gave you permission?
Jan: Yes, long ago.

Jan: I am done.
Anu: I am also done.
Avi: 4 bags, not bad. I think I am done too.
Anu: I can't wait for tomorrow.
Avi: Okay, I will take a nap now.
Anu: Cool. We will be next door. Come over if you want.
Avi: Okay!

*Sid's appartment*
Jannu: Hey.
Ri: Hey!
(Jan was looking for Faisu)
Ri: He is in his room.
Jan: Oh thanks. (She went)
Ri: All ready?
Anu: Yes. I can't wait for tomorrow.

(Avi came)
Avi: Hey guys.
Anu: Weren't you about to take a nap?
Avi: Plan changed.
Ri: Hey there. Ready for __________?
Avi: Totally. Thanks for taking us too.
Ri: What are friends for? We wanted to take the group too but they already left for home.
Avi: Oh.
Ri: And I just suggested it, Sid made it possible.
Anu: What happened to him?
Ri: Idk.
(Sid came)
Ri: Everything alright?
Sid: Nothing is right.
Ri: What happened?
Sid: I.......

To be continued…
What happened to Sid?
Where are they going? Any guesses?
Stay tuned for the next chapter.

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