35. Sex ain't better than love

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September 9, 2020 | Harlem, New York9:13 AM

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September 9, 2020 | Harlem, New York
9:13 AM


"AHHHHHHH!!" I heard screaming causing me to jump up out of my sleep, reaching under the mattress. I opened my eyes seeing Kairi and Korion yelling and laughing, causing me to suck my teeth and I run my hand over my face. My moms stood at the door laughing and shaking her head.

"Y'all thought that shit was funny?" I said laying back

"It was, wasn't it Kairi?" Kori asked while smiling

"Ya daddy said.." Kairi mocked how I jumped out my sleep and we all laughed. I pulled Kori to me kissing her forehead as my mom walked out the room.

"Saint you kissing all on my face with ya morning breath." She said and I pulled her face again kissing her lips and causing her to laugh. Kairi sat next to me with her arms crossed.

"Look now you got us in trouble." Kori said, "It wasn't me Kai, it was daddy." She said and I laughed picking Kairi up kissing all over her face. Kairi was still getting used to the fact that I was loving on somebody other than her. After all she never saw me this way with any other woman especially not her mother.

"Stop daddy stop!" she laughed

"You slept long enough, me and your mom cooked breakfast so get up and get ya ass in the shower."

"Ass in the shower daddy." Kairi said and Korion covered her mouth

"No baby girl don't say that. I said a bad word okay?"

"Okay." Kairi said as I admired them both, I love it here dead ass.

"I'm taking her downstairs to your mom, you better be in the shower when I come back upstairs."

"I got you mamas." I said sleepily. She got up, taking Kairi with her downstairs. I groaned while laying in the bed, knowing if Kori came up here she would chew my head off. So I got up walking into the bathroom and turning the shower on, stripping out of my boxers I stepped in. After a couple minutes I could hear Korion walking into the bathroom.

"Come here." I said opening the shower door, she looked confused but walked over to me anyway.

"Yes Saint."

"Get in." I said pulling her arm a little

"Saint no!" She laughed. "I already know what type of time you on, and we have stuff to do today"

"Mama... come onnn." I said while I grabbed her hand using it to stroke my dick, she looked down watching my movements and biting her lip. Then she snapped out of it, "baby as bad as I want to get in with you... damn.." She said losing track of what she was saying. "I can't," she said stepping back, still taking glances

"And hurry up." She added while walking out, and I sucked my teeth. I got out the shower, before picking out an outfit and laying my clothes on the bed. I decided to get dressed after I ate knowing Kai like to throw food at me. Walking downstairs, I could already smell the food. Apparently moms and Kori went all out. "Y'all cooked mad food, what's all this for?" I questioned.

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