28. Stingy

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 August 22, 2020 | Manhattan, New York9:23 AM

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August 22, 2020 | Manhattan, New York
9:23 AM

My eyes shot open, being met by another big brown pair as she starred at me. She literally had her daddy whole face, I thought smiling at her. "Morning pretty girl." I said and she laughed

"Eat eat." She said in the cutest little voice. I looked on the other side of her to see that Saint was no longer in bed. Reaching for my phone on the bed side table I was met by a note that read 'Goodmorning mama. I went out to get us breakfast, didn't want to wake y'all. Call me if she gives you a hard time, be right back.'

Just to catch y'all up, the last two weeks without Saint had been really bland for me, if that wasn't already obvious. My life went back to the regular, Work and Occasionally chilling with my girls. Without Saint it was just different, I had to accept the way I felt about him and not be in denial over these past two weeks. I kept telling myself the quicker I accepted it the easier it'd be to get over it and that turned out to be true....

Until earlier when he happened to be at my parents house looking fine as fuck with Kairi pretty ass, who I've missed more than I thought I would.

I spent the last two weeks trying to sort my feelings to the best of my abilities. Although me and Saint were only dating, and we have yet to become exclusive what I felt for him was so much deeper than that. Our connection was so intense yet so pure, we're both learning so much about who we are as people and i'll admit it's a scary feeling. I really fuck with him, we just click and everytime he come around he puts a smile on my face. I won't lie and say I didn't miss his crazy ass because even a blind person could tell that I did but at the time I wasn't going to cry about it.

I took Kai in the bathroom with me to do my morning hygiene. Making sure to wash her face and brush her teeth as well. Hearing knocking on the front door, I sat Kai on my hip while going to open the door.

"How was she?" He asked as he walked through the door and I rolled my eyes.

"She's good, stop acting like she just be causing trouble." I said

"Yeah aight, y'all hungry?" He asked causing both me and Kairi to say yes. He had a bag of food in his hand that contained multiple boxes and by that I knew I about about to grub.

Saint, Kairi and I all sat at dining room table eating breakfast in silence. After about thirty minutes we were all done eating. "I got it." Saint said referring to gathering the plates. The sound of my phone ringing stopped me from protesting being that he bought the food. Walking in my room, I was disappointed to see it was only a stupid ass spam call.

Saint came back into the room, walking over to me. He didn't say anything and neither did I but he continued to stare at me. "Yes saint." I said looking up at him, I knew he had something to say, he was just trying to find the right words.

"You promise we good?" He asked grabbing my waist 

"Yes, I promise we're good." I told him. One thing I loved about Saint was that he was very reassuring. He always made sure to ask how I was feeling or what was going through my head.

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