30. Cutting ties

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August 28, 2020 | Harlem, New York 8:12 AM

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August 28, 2020 | Harlem, New York
8:12 AM

"What." I answered the phone half sleep

"Come open the door." I heard causing my eyes to snap open, I read the caller ID seeing Skye's name and sucked my teeth. After hanging up in her face, I rolled over attempting to go back to sleep when I heard banging on my door.

Looking over at Korion and Kairi, I got up sliding on some shorts and walking downstairs. Once I got downstairs I quickly opened the door mugging the fuck out of skye.

"Better have a damn good reason for waking me up at 8:00 in the morning." I snapped

"Can I come in?" She asked pushing past me anyway

"Fuck you here for?" I asked, I swear it was too early for this shit.

"You haven't been answering my text or calls." She said while we stood in the living room. The last time me and Skye spoke I thought shit was cool. We had agreed on a time she could see Kai but then she flaked. I coulda sworn I was finally getting through to her goofy ass but days later she was texting me demanding I give her some money. I don't know what kind of nigga she took me for but she was gone fuck around and get her feelings hurt, everytime.

"I don't have shit to say to you, every time we talk it turn into an argument." I said calmly while yawning

"I didn't come here to argue at all, I just need your help." She said making me suck my teeth. I don't why I didn't guess that sooner, the only time Skye cooperated or wasn't coming at me crazy was when she needed me.

"What's new? Yo ass always need something."

"You stopped making payments on the house and my car, I'm going to lose everything." She cried. I'm glad I was smart enough to rent her house and car because she was temporary as fuck.

"Don't you got a nigga...? and a job of your own?" I asked confused.

? and a job of your own?" I asked confused

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"We can't afford that house and car Saint. What am I going to do if we break up? I quit my job." She said crying as I stood there with a blank expression

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