23. Another one, thank you

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August 7,2020 | Harlem, New York1:30 PM

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August 7,2020 | Harlem, New York
1:30 PM

Saint piled into his Rolls Royce, defeated by the summer's heat. "Yo it's hot as fuck out here." He said to himself while starting the car. He had randomly decided to take Korion on a lunch date that she had no idea about. He knew that she had two clients to style earlier in the day and that she was most likely hungry. He also knew that whenever she got into work mode she'd forget to eat.

Hearing the sound of his I phone ringtone blaring through his speakers, he quickly answered the phone. "Hey ma, you good?"

"Yes I'm good, just calling to check on you." His mother responded over the phone

"You know I'm good, how was ya day? You ate?"

"Saint you do know that I'm the mother and you're the child right?" She chuckled.

"You my mother and I love you. You know ima make sure you straight." He responded while muggin

"I know you better wipe that mug off of your face before I do it for you." She said causing his mug to drop into a small smile.

"You swear you know me ma."

"I know you better than anybody, you're my baby boy and you've been overprotective since you could walk and talk." She said causing him to chuckle

"Nah I protect y'all just enough.." He said shrugging causing his mother to laugh

"Just crazy, What are you doing?" She asked him

"Just pulled up to this flower spot to grab something for Kori real quick." He said nonchalantly

"Okay. Where's my son and what have you done with him?" She asked jokingly and he laughed

"Aha real funny.." He said getting out of the car

"I've never in your twenty-three years of living witnessed you so infatuated with anyone. Who knew you could be so Sweet? Your father would have a field day if he saw you acting like this." She said as they both laughed.

"Yea aight yall draggin it. Y'all act like a nigga was just a lost cause or something but hold up ma." He said while walking into the flower shop.

"I got a pick up for East." He said in which the girl went to the back to grab Korion's flowers.

"Sir, I've noticed you seem to shop here quite often. Would you be interested in having custom arrangements sent out to her every week?" She asked and he shrugged. He put his mother on mute before speaking up.

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