26. Emotionally scarred

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August 17, 2020 | Manhattan, New York3:02 PM

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August 17, 2020 | Manhattan, New York
3:02 PM

"The destination will be on your left in 0.3 miles." My Gps spoke from the speakers in my car, drowning out my music. Today was a big day for me yet I was more nervous than excited. Since graduating college a couple months ago I've really been beating myself up about finding a space and launching a few of my ideas. I took a step back from styling, knowing that I wanted to be an established business and take it seriously. House calls were far too dangerous and I'd be damned if I'm telling random clients where I lay my head. Right now my social media influencer checks were rolling in and they were big so I can't complain but I want more than that for me. I want something that belongs to me.

Fast forward to today and i'll be meeting with the owner of a storefront I was looking to buy. I've met with him several times but I always left unsatisfied. I just wanted to spend my money wisely, I needed to be able to see my vision in the space and so far I hadn't gotten that feeling with any of the properties we'd looked at. Parallel parking my car on the side of the street, I sent a text to Tyler letting him know my navigation said I arrived. A few minutes later, I received a text telling me that he was across the street. I got out of the car looking both ways before crossing the busy ass streets of Manhattan.

"Ms. Taylor, you look stunning, its a pleasure seeing you again." Tyler greeted me once i'd finally crossed the street

"Thank you Tyler, its a pleasure seeing you as well, hopefully this is the last time we have to do this." I said to him giggling

"I cant lie, you're one of my picky clients but it keeps me on my feet, I won't complain too much."

"Oh whatever." I said laughing

"Well let's get right into it. I noted that the last couple of spaces we visited were small store fronts, I figured you'd want to start small since you're a new business but I'm getting the vibe that your vision is so much bigger than what I'm seeing. I got in touch with a few people and I think you'll love this, follow me." He demanded and I excitedly did just that. It was true the other spaces were small and although that was the safer option I didn't care to play it safe. I wanted to go big or go home because I didn't have a choice but to succeed, failing wasn't an option for me.

"Whew Tyler baby you got me nervous." I told him

"Don't be, turn around" He said, I slowly turned around looking at the storefront that sat in front of me.

"The good thing about this one is its for lease, not just for rent so if you were thinking about buying-"

"I want it." I said cutting him off

"That was fast, are you sure?"

"I'm positive, it just feels right. I cant explain it but I'm not just looking at some empty ass store In front of me, as soon as I turned around I could see my vision and my name across this building." I told him truthfully.

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