63. More money, More problems

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December 29, 2020 | Manhattan, New York11:03 AM

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December 29, 2020 | Manhattan, New York
11:03 AM

The screen on my iPhone lit up with a picture of Saint and Kairi while it rang through the nail salon. Looking down at the screen, I ignored the call once again noting that this was the sixth one. The minute it stopped ringing I texted Saint asking if he needed anything only for him to respond by telling me to stop playing with him.

"Girl if you don't answer the phone from that man." London said laughing and snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Mhm, I'll pass." I said examining my nails before brushing my thumb over the others.

"What my dumb ass brother do this time?" Sam asked causing me to laugh

"Girl he got me fucked up." I said being dramatic per usual. Saint was the type that was unphased by everything I did. Shouting at him, yelling, or expressing true anger for some reason did nothing and ultimately I think he got a rise out of it. So every now and then I'd give him the silent treatment around the house or anything small to get my point across. I never actually let it go too far though, because trust I learned my lesson from flying to Atlanta out of impulse. Still—— he needed to know that I wasn't to be played with and that I'd always hold him accountable for his actions as he would mine.

"Okay bitch you gone tell us what he did orrrr? I bet it ain't even nothing foreal. You know y'all both dramatic as fuck." She said making me roll my eyes. She told no lies though, we both were.

"This man left the house at two in the morning. Didn't even think to tell me he was leaving or where he was going. I wake up and his ass dressed in all black like a fuckin ninja. Talkin bout some he'll be back. He know I don't play that shit. And I find it hella inconsiderate considering everything that's happened. He just be doing shit sometimes, it's like having a bad ass kid." I told them and they laughed

"Is he trying to give you a heart attack?" London asked

"That's what I'm saying, like he knows how scared I've been for his safety and he just shrugs the shit off like it don't mean nothing. It's like he's not even phased by what happened. He did something similar in the Hamptons but this time he didn't necessarily sneak. He just left without giving me any details." I expressed. "Mind you, when I went to Atlanta without sparing him details he was ready to end it all."

"I'm sure inside he's definitely phased but he's never going to tell us that. I think he's really gotten used to handling everything and acting okay, it's so unhealthy though." Sam said and I nodded. "I honestly don't know why he does that. I think once my dad went to prison he felt he couldn't burden my mother with his issues since we could all see she was going through it. But for the sake of starting his own family he's definitely going to have to work on that. I get he's the man of the house but when you have a woman that actually cares about you, shit like that not gone fly."

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