47. Giving thanks?

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November 27, 2020 | Harlem, New York8:03 AM

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November 27, 2020 | Harlem, New York
8:03 AM

Realizing I had to pee, I woke up thinking I could easily roll out of bed. Instead Saint had me in a choke hold while Kairi's leg was thrown over my waist. After lightly moving Kai's leg off of me, I tried to slide out of Saint's arm, stopping when I heard him behind me.

"Mamas, lay down."

"I have to pee damn." I said as he let me go sucking his teeth and turning the other way. I laughed before getting off the bed and walking into the bathroom to pee. After I finished, I looked at the time on my phone reading eight am. I took out my toothbrush brushing my teeth knowing Saint be all in my face and then washing my face shortly after. Walking back in the room I climbed back in the bed, laying beside him. When he didn't wrap his arms around me, I took both his arms wrapping them around my body.

His eyes snapped open looking directly at me, he grabbed my neck pulling me to him while kissing my lips. Wrapping his arms around my body while I laid on his chest he started to rub up and down my back. "We need to be up in like a hour." I told him and he nodded. Being that today was Thanksgiving we had a long day ahead of us and I couldn't wait to eat all that good food.

"Aight, go back to sleep." He said, I could feel him pick his phone up, I guess to set an alarm, as I drifted off to sleep again.

November 27, 2020 | Harlem, New York
10:12 AM

"Saint!? Where's her other shoe?" I yelled from in the room.

"She threw that shit somewhere, look in the bathroom." He yelled back and I laughed shaking my head

"Girl you crazy, just like yo daddy." I said and she threw her head back laughing.. JUST LIKE HIM.

"My daddy not crazy." She replied

"Oop my bad sis don't beat me up." I said holding my hands up as we both laughed


"Yes Kairi?" I said wondering what she was about to say. Just like her father, I never knew what was going to come out of her mouth.

"I wuv you."

"Awwww." I said pouting as tears came to my eyes. "I love you so much more Kairi Chanel Brewster."

"This big?" she says opening her arms real wide

"Bigger." I said tickling her while she laughed and tears fell from my eyes like the big ass baby I am. I'd never try to take the spot as Kairi's mother but in a way she was like a daughter to me. I loved her with all of me and as crazy as it sounds when Artist and his boys came for me I thought about her. If Skye never stepped up for Kairi I would, no questions asked. It was like having a mini Saint on my side but a sassier, girlier version. I always thought I was just another adult in her life that in her mind took care of her because I had to but to know in her two year old mind that the things I was doing made her love me, felt good.

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