13. Date Night

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May 19, 2020 | Harlem, New York11:47 AM

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May 19, 2020 | Harlem, New York
11:47 AM

I woke up to the feeling of something hitting my face. Slowly opening my eyes, I watched as Kairi threw punches towards me. "Yo Kairi, you violating"
I laughed pulling her hands back

"If you wanted daddy to wake up that's all you had to say." I told her and she laughed. I looked at the time noticing it was almost 12 in the afternoon, which is probably why Kai was beating me out my sleep.

I got out of the bed, picking Kairi up and walking into the bathroom. I then ran the bath water, taking her diaper off. "Sit on the potty mama." I told her since I was trying to potty train her. She walked to the potty that sat on the side of mine, sitting on it. I made sure to give her the Ipad to keep her occupied while I picked our outfits out.

"Did you use the bathroom?" I asked her walking in

"Yes, Look!" She yelled standing up and I noticed that she peed.

"That's what I'm talking about mama! Daddy proud of you." I told her as she squealed with excitement. I stopped the tub, making sure to drain some of the water so that it won't go above her stomach.

I took this time to hop in the shower while Kairi played with toys in the tub. I made my shower quick, getting out in 15 minutes. It took me a minute to wash Kairi and her hair before I finally got her out the tub and got us both ready for the day.

"What you wanna do?"

"Dada paint my nailsss" She said and I laughed

"Oh you boujee, you don't wanna go to McDonald's and play? You want ya nails and toes done?" I asked and she shook her head

"It's your world Kairi.." I said laughing while picking her up. I put her in the car driving to the nail salon.

May 19, 2020 | Harlem, New York
5:28 PM

Me and Kairi had just left the nail salon not too long ago, she had gotten some glitter on her nails and toes and couldn't stop tryna show her hands off. Kai didn't even want me to put her sock on when we left, she threw a whole fit about the shit.

I made sure to stop at Chick-fil-A on the way back to my crib so that Kairi could eat before I left out. Right now we both sat in the living room watching Trolls for the 12th time this week while eating Chick-fil-A

It was about 6pm, and after almost falling asleep on trolls 3 times.. I'm done for the day. I decided to get ready while Kairi was still watching the movie. As soon as I was about to jog upstairs I heard the doorbell ring, confusing me.

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