21. Old Hoes

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July 30, 2020 | Manhattan, New York3:44 PM

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July 30, 2020 | Manhattan, New York
3:44 PM

I left Sierra's hotel for the second time this week and got in my car to go home. I was starting to realize more and more each time fucking these hoes did nothing for me, to be real I was bored with the shit. If the sex not exciting me, I might as well keep my dick to myself. These hoes be crazy anyway.

I'd never in a million years wife or cuff any of the hoes I'm fucking. Sierra was just tryna chase a check and pretend she was loyal but I could see through it easily. Maybe it had something to do with the fact there wasn't no feelings between us, or atleast not on my end. People always said sex better when you really love and care about who you doing it with.

It was early on but I didn't care about nobody but Kori. None of these females held any weight in my heart or was important to me. Korion make me feel like I'm standing next to a trophy, just being able to fuck with her is a win.

Once I got home I walked in my house, noticing the cleaning crew came through. It smelt like lemon scented cleaning products and vanilla in this bitch, had a nigga relaxed as fuck. I did a quick walk through of the house checking all the rooms, when I came across Kairi's I stopped. Standing in the middle of the room, I picked up one of the toys seeing she'd drawn on the dolls face. I laughed shaking my head, she was a rough ass child, and probably would be a tom boy for a long time but I got a joy out of seeing her personality grow as she got older.

Memories of us playing in here, me chasing her around as she tries to hide from me. I could always tell where she was hiding because her goofy ass couldn't stop laughing.

I really missed my baby yo. I couldn't explain the feeling but I ain't fuck with it. I know it hasn't been mad long but I ain't never spent this much time away from Kairi. Since the day she came out the womb, I was stuck to my baby like glue. She my everything.. if I ever lost her permanently, I might just end it all. I had her at a time when mentally I was at my lowest. I had just lost one of my main niggas and she brought me out of a dark place. You never know what true love feels like until you've created a whole ass human, until they look at you like their hero, like you can fix any problem they got. Until they cry for you and that shit make your heart warm inside. Until they taken away from you.

Not wanting to think about it anymore, I walked down to my room. Stripping out of all my clothes and turning the shower on.

I had to be in there for over thirty minutes when I heard my phone ring, but I chose to ignore it. Hearing my phone ring again, I rinsed my body off then hopped out the shower quickly answering it. "Yo Drew wassup?" I said to my lawyer.

"Hey I need to talk to you, you busy?" He asked

"Nah, nah.. wassup?"

"Just making sure you been tryna keep your name clean, I been doing my part as well but you know it's a team effort. Don't get into anything especially with Skye." He told me

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