59. Angels Cry

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December 19, 2020 | Manhattan, New York4:36 AM

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December 19, 2020 | Manhattan, New York
4:36 AM

Kori's leg bounced up and down as she sat in the waiting room. She was covered in blood, her head was pounding and her eyes were swelled shut. It was hard for her to believe this was happening right now, it almost didn't feel real. She focused her eyes on the white and green tile of the hospital floor, her mind racing a mile a minute. She wasn't sure if it was the temperature of the hospital or the fear in her heart that caused chills to creep up on her arm. The last time she prayed this many times in such a short amount of time, her older brother Kyree, was dying in her arms.


"Ma'am????" The nurse spoke finally pulling Kori out of her thoughts. She looked up at her not speaking a word, since she really didn't have anything to say.

"How are you ma'am? I'm nurse Jenkins."

"Uhm. I'm fine." She said as a tear rolled down her cheek and she quickly wiped it. "My boyfriend— my boyfriend is in surgery right now, is there any updates?" She said barely able to get her words out without crying. Emotionally she was anything but stable right now.

"As of right now no, I'm sorry. But we're going to need to treat you as well."

"Treat me... For what?" She questioned confused.

"The doctors were so worried about the state of your boyfriend, they didn't realize you were wounded as well. The sooner we treat it, the better.. there's a very high chance the wound could be infected by now—"

"What are you talking about?" Kori questioned as her and the nurse looked at each other crazy. Kori sat utterly confused while the nurse was in disbelief. The fact that she was so out of it that she couldn't even feel the bullet wound that punctured her arm was insane because the adrenaline should've worn off by now.

"Can I have your name?"


"Korion, may I?" She questioned nodding towards Kori's arm in which she nodded back. Reaching for Kori's arm, she quickly took hold of it causing Korion to look down. Her leg still shook rapidly, being that her nerves were a mess but the minute she looked down, the adrenaline subsided and the pain crept in.

"How didn't I feel this before???" Kori winced in pain.

"Adrenaline. Let's get you to a room."

"What if the doctor comes back with information??" Kori asked. She truly couldn't care less about anything else going on right now unless it was pertaining to an update on Saint. Nothing else mattered, at this point.

"I promise we'll be quick, we just need to make sure the bullet isn't still in your arm, make sure the wound is not infected and give you some pain medicine." The nurse tried to ensure her.

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