67. Out with the old, In with the new

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January 7, 2021 | Harlem, New York 9:04 AM

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January 7, 2021 | Harlem, New York
9:04 AM

"Why you ain't wake me up and tell me you wasn't feeling good?" I asked while holding Kori's hair. She leaned over the toilet emptying the remains of her stomach. This was the third time this week I woke up to her throwing up and now it was starting to raise awareness.

"It just came out of nowhere."

Once she was done, she went to wash her face and brush her teeth as I eyed her suspiciously. I took her weight, her mood, and her recent nausea into consideration yet I didn't want to jump to any conclusions. Other than this new wave of sickness, she'd been acting normal. She just so happened to be putting on weight.. in all the right places of course.

Cutting the faucet off she walked up to me wrapping her arms around my waist and laying her head on my chest. I was so in my head about what was going on with her that I didn't embrace her back. This caused her to look up at me with a frown.

"Wassup with you ma.." I said closely examining her.

"I don't know Saint I just haven't been feeling well the past few days." She spoke before yawning

"What exactly you been feeling Kori?"

"I've been a little nauseous that's all, it's really no big deal." She said waving me off. "And why are you looking at me like that?"

"No reason." I said holding my tongue and keeping my thoughts to myself. Today was an important day and not just because it was the day of Kori's grand opening. Now wasn't the time to press her about her new found sickness that might I add came out of no where so I held my tongue and decided to keep my comment to myself—— for now. She'd planned this for months and I refused to be the one to stress her out or ruin shit for her. I had a lot of surprises in store for her today and I just wanted everything to go perfect. I was proud as fuck and I wanted to show her that in every way I could.

"We have a lot to do today." She said tiredly. I watched as she walked towards our large glass shower, turning the water to the hottest setting. She then began to strip out of her clothes as I turned my back before responding to her.

"You coming to my interview with me?" I said trying to distract myself and put my attention on anything other than her.

"If you want me there for support then of course, who's the interview with?" She questioned. I couldn't help but to glance at her through the mirror as she walked around the bathroom fully naked. After making a bet a couple of days ago to see who would fold first, of course a nigga was struggling.

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