53. Adjustments

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December 14, 2020 | Harlem, New York6:03 AM

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December 14, 2020 | Harlem, New York
6:03 AM

Beep. Beep. Beep

Beep. Beep. Beep.

"Mama please turn that shit off." I groaned while turning over. It was Six O'clock in the morning and like a good aunt she had to get up to get Kash ready for school. Like she promised, within a week she'd gotten Kash on a scheduled routine— shit the whole house.

His health records had a few gaps so she had to get all that shit handled before he could go to school. He was enrolled into a private school not too far from the house and he had to be there by seven in the morning everyday. Kai didn't have to be to school until nine so most days I wake up later than Kori. It was safe to say waking up at six every morning was kicking her ass.

I watched as she rose up sucking her teeth while staring at the wall. "This shit is not it." She mumbled before getting out of bed and I laughed.

"If you wake him up I'll get him dressed and shit so you can get more sleep." I told her before yawning. Don't get me wrong I was sleepy as fuck too but we a team. I can see the shit would take some getting used to for her but until then I'd try to take as much pressure off of her as I could.

"Awww baby.. you're a life saver! Thank you soooo much!" She said jumping into our California King sized bed, attacking me with kisses. I laughed before pulling her face back and kissing her lips.

"Yo back up and go wake him up before y'all late." I said still laughing

"Oh please you love my kisses." She said crawling out of bed while I reached over smacking her ass. My white T-shirt hugged her breast, falling right below her ass, sported by her favorite bonnet. I watched her slide on a pair of my sweat pants before exiting the room. I could hear her trying to wake Kash as I laid in the bed resting my eyes. I knew how hard it was to wake him up, I'm not lying when I say that lil nigga can sleep through a tornado.

Shortly after Kash trudged in the room groaning and sucking his teeth. I opened my eyes seeing the biggest scowl on his face.

"You woke up on the wrong side of the bed?"

"I love school but I don't like waking up early." He said causing me to chuckle. I got out of bed walking towards my walk in closet for a pair of my sweats. Scanning my collection of clothes, I noticed how much shit was missing while shaking my head. I was constantly restocking my shit due to Korion. Finally finding a pair, I quickly slid them on while going into Kash's room to find him something to where.

Leave it to Kori to have his closet looking like a kids clothing store, just as she had Kai's. I scanned his closet passing by all different types of designer from Prada to LV to Dior. My eyes finally landed on his school uniform, grabbing it I picked him a pair of shoes and jacket to wear with it. I settled on some forces being that I knew he'd have them lookin dirty and busted by the end of the day.

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