46. Ruthless

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November 21, 2020 | Harlem, New York9:37 AM

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November 21, 2020 | Harlem, New York
9:37 AM

It's been damn near two months since Artist and his niggas called themselves trying to kidnap me like I'm not grown as hell. So much has happened in so little time, which is crazy to me.

Saint and I have only gotten closer but his problems only got bigger as did mine. I haven't spoken to Jayda in a month, she wouldn't answer my calls, or my text. Nobody has a clue as to where she is, all we know is that she's safe. I didn't understand at all what was going on between us but it hurt more than a romantic relationship going downhill. This is my bestfriend we talking about, she's literally like a puzzle piece in my life and to not have her around bothered me. I hate that whatever she's going through, she feels like she can't come to me.

Thanksgiving is a couple days away and we always spent that holiday together being that she doesn't have much family other than her dad, who usually came along with her. The last thing I want is for her to spend thanksgiving alone.

Although me and Saint's relationship is great, mentally I don't think he is. Since we've come back from the Hamptons he's been stressing, he thinks I don't notice him come back late and throw his bloody shoes away before coming inside. He's been on a killing spree and there wasn't anything I could do. I tried talking to him, reasoning with him but every time he said the same shit. "I'm good mamas". So I let it be, at-least for now. He moved into a gated home and he wasn't lying when he said he had us both in mind when buying it. The house was right in the middle of my parents house and his mothers. I had my own closet that I had yet to fill because I was in denial about us living together. I still can't believe he killed that man in his house and then proceeded to drown him with his crazy ass.

Business was booming for me. I had to push my grand opening back due to my face being badly bruised for a couple of weeks but regardless I had to make some shit shake. Which is why I ended up dropping my own custom online clothing line called Byjinsu. It was very lowkey at first, until I made a custom dress for Yung Miami and she wore it to the awards. She even tagged me as the designer which a lot of Celebrities didn't do. Everything took off after that, I got so overwhelmed I had to hire people just to help me.

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