64. OH BABY!

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December 29, 2020 | Harlem, New York11:01 PM

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December 29, 2020 | Harlem, New York
11:01 PM

Pulling up to Saint and Kori's house, Jayda grabbed a few bags out of the passenger seat before stepping out of her car. Unfortunately she had no clue what the gender of her baby was so she couldn't start shopping for him/her like she wanted to. That didn't stop the motherly urge to buy unnecessary shit months before the baby would actually even be here. Today she went to target and bought bottles and pacifiers, as well as anything she could find that was unisex.

Retrieving her phone from the cup holder, she realized there were two missed calls. One from Kori almost an hour ago and a recent one from Izzy which confused her due to the fact that they hadn't really been speaking. She was adamant on the fact that she would give their relationship another shot but she wasn't going to chase him. Jayda decided to call him back first, just to see what he wanted.


"Why you answering the phone like you answering from an unknown number?" He questioned almost sounding offended

"Shit might as well be.." She replied sarcastically

"Yeah aight, you funny as fuck. Wassup though, you good?"

"Yes, I'm great. You?" She asked. She wasn't lying either. A part of her wished she would've never distanced herself from her friends when things got hard for her mentally but she can't deny that she needed the time to grow. Since being back she's been the happiest she'd been in a while and she had her friends and Kori's family to thank for that. Saint was extremely helpful and acted as if she was his pregnant little sister, She'd even found herself getting close to Samaria over time and despite her and Izzy not being on the best of terms he still made sure to look after her.

"Shit, I'm chillin, handling business." He said giving his usual vague answer

"That's good." Jayda said allowing the conversation to fall short

"Yea.. what you doing?" He asked causing her to remember that she was supposed to be bringing bags into the house

"Just got to Saint and Kori spot, bringing these bags in."

"Why you ain't call him and tell him to help you?" He stressed as she walked up to the front door. Shifting the bags to her other hand, she rang the doorbell waiting for Saint to open the door.

"Boy I don't need help."

"Fuck allat, I'm finna call him and tell him to come help you."

"You don't need to do all that. I'm pregnant not disabled. I already rang the doorbell so..."  She cut in before he was able to hang up. She wasn't sure if it was the hormones but something about everybody acting as if she couldn't do things herself pissed her off. Trust if the bags were heavy to her she would've asked for help. She ignored Izzy sucking his teeth on the other end of the phone as the front door opened revealing none other than Saint. He was shirtless, with a lit blunt hanging between his lips and a mug on his face.

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