14. Date Night II

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May 19, 2020 | Manhattan, New York10:00 PM

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May 19, 2020 | Manhattan, New York
10:00 PM

"You cold ain't you?" Saint asked as I shivered. We both killed our food, I'm talking cleaned the plate. He wasn't lying when he said Hank's slap. "Very." I said making him laugh

"I figured." He said finally digging into the bag he had. He pulled out this big ass fluffy blanket, handing it to me across the table. I smiled realizing it had a picture of him and Kairi blown up on the front. "Don't even say nothing." He said sucking his teeth and I laughed

"Why? It's so cuteee" I said in a baby voice making him suck his teeth

"That's why, you play too much." He said and I chuckled, I didn't even do anything to this man.

"What else you got in that bag?" I asked him

"Shit...snacks, more blankets, weed, wine, more weed." He said making me laugh and shake my head

"You need help."

"I know...that's what I brought the weed for." He said being dead ass serious, I just rolled my eyes smiling at him. He pulled the bottle of wine out before pouring us both a glass. Next he took the rest of the blankets out and his weed before he started to roll up. Something about watching him roll just, mhm put me in a trance.

I watched as Saint lit his blunt, taking a few hits. His eyes sat low, but I could still feel him staring at me. He licked his lips, locking his eyes with mine.

"Can you not?" I asked trying not to blush

"What I do?" He said looking innocent, which we all knew he was far from.

"You're always staring at me. Then you don't even look away when I notice or make eye contact" I said giggling

"You look good, so yea ima stare and ion look away cause eye contact don't make me uncomfortable" He chuckled

"Well, Don't."

"You don't want me staring at you ma..?" He asked turning his head to the side a lil bit.

"Mhm that's what I just said." I replied getting smart

"Come here then.." He demanded. I hesitated before standing up and sitting beside him. He hadn't even touched me yet and I felt like I was about to melt. His cologne alone had me SWV weak.

"Nah, right here." He said stretching his legs out, looking down at his lap. He used a few of the pillow to prop his head up, while holding the blunt in his mouth

"Oh I- I can't do t-that." I said stuttering a lil bit. It was really for his own good. Saint was already fine but he was also the perfect blend of aggressive yet gentle. That alone aroused me, sitting on his lap would only make matters worse.

"I- I- I-, you doing a lot of stuttering for somebody who always got some smart shit to say." He said making me laugh "Come sit down." He added

"Boy whatever." I said rolling my eyes and throwing my leg over his lap before sitting on him. He took my hands wrapping my arms around his neck and wrapping his arms around my waist. We both were hella tense at first, until he relaxed, letting out a deep breath. Me on the other hand.. I was still very tense, and couldn't understand why I was so nervous

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