6. Rachet Happy Birthday

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April 12, 2020 | Manhattan, New York6:47 PM

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April 12, 2020 | Manhattan, New York
6:47 PM

Korion made sure to pull a crips $100 bill and $50 bill from her purse before handing it to the makeup artist. She only charged Korion $100 but she liked to tip.

"How do you like it?" She asked smiling

"I love it girl. Thank you."

"No problem. Make sure to book with me again, I loved beating ya face." She told Korion. Being that it was her birthday, she decided to be lazy today and have someone other than herself do her makeup. She had gotten her hair done yesterday, as well as her nails and toes. She watched her makeup artist pack up all her equipment and supplies, before leaving.

"ONE TIME FOR THE BIRTHDAY BITCH. TWO TIMES FOR THE BIRTHDAY BITCH. THREE TIMES FOR THE BIRTHDAY BITCH" Jayda screamed to the top of her lungs. The three girls weren't usually big on birthday events. They enjoyed going on trips together more but they decided to chill this year and save up. They planned to all go out of the country for their birthday's next year and they knew it would take a lot of planning ahead.

"FUCK IT UP IF ITS YA BIRTHDAY BITCH." London yelled causing Kori to laugh before bending over to twerk.

"Awww best friend you look so good

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"Awww best friend you look so good." Jayda said

"Thank you, thank you." Korion said

"Who all did you invite to the dinner..?" London asked

"Just y'all, Tae, and Trayvon, a few industry people."


"Kori nigga that she fuck with every-time she bored even though he get on her nerves." Jayda said causing Korion to laugh

"Okay bitch and? that is not my man, just a friend."

"A friend who been begging to take you on a date for 2 weeks...."

"Well this as close to a date he's going to get." She shrugged. Kori rarely found herself interested in these niggas. Trayvon was cool but she couldn't see anything long term coming from their situation-ship. She always gave him chances to redeem himself yet he always ended up doing the exact opposite. This wasn't the first time they tried dating but every-time it'd end in a big argument. Then weeks later he'd come crawling back begging to start over and Korion would deal with him when she was bored

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