56. Goat Day

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December 16, 2020 | Sandals Grande, Saint Lucia6:43 PM

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December 16, 2020 | Sandals Grande, Saint Lucia
6:43 PM

I watched as Saint walked through the resort after complaining about wearing a blind fold for too long. Although I wanted him to be surprised when seeing our room, I was actually getting tired of dragging his tall ass around. He took in our surroundings looking around with a smile plastered on his face. We'd finally landed in St. Lucia about an hour ago but we'd only just gotten to our resort.

The water was clear enough to see your reflection in which I took note of on the ride to our room. Although we were staying on a resort, I paid for us to have our own personal villa. I loved the fact that all of the villas together actually created the shape of a small heart. If we wanted to go to the beach we had jet ski's to ride to the shore or we could walk along the boardwalk.

"Nah this shit dope

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"Nah this shit dope." Saint said kissing my forehead. "Thank you ma." He added. We'd just gotten off our boat and were walking towards our room

"See, wasn't this worth being blindfolded for hours?" I questioned causing Saint to side eye me before sucking his teeth.

"No and I'm done with the blindfolding shit, shit starting to make my nerves bad." He said dramatically and I laughed

"You're so dramatic."

"Says the person who had an attitude the whole way here."

"You were being weird to me." I said crossing my arms.

"You dead ass wrong and you know it." He said causing me to chuckle

"Fine, I'm sorry."

"Forrrrr?" He asked playing dumb

"Depriving you of what's rightfully yours, I know how it feels and it sucks." I pouted

"Aight cool, apology accepted. Soon as I break yo ass in half." He said and I rolled my eyes

"Let's just get this deal over with and hope I'm still in one piece afterwards."

"Yea aight, what's the room number?"

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