33. Love in this club

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September 3, 2020 | Manhattan, New York7:43 PM

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September 3, 2020 | Manhattan, New York
7:43 PM

"Ma please be at my crib by eleven thirty, no later. Last time I was late they had the bar backed up and was giving out Henny in champagne glasses." I told Kori as I opened the passenger door of my whip. I pulled her towards me kissing her forehead and then her lips.

"Okay baby, for the last time ima be ready, Now bye. See you later." She said standing on her tippy toes to kiss me again and then walking into her building. We were both going to go back to my crib but she swore she had shit to do and it'd be better for her to get ready at home and then drive to my spot. Let her tell it I was a "distraction". She wasn't completely wrong though, I was definitely gone try to feast before we left.

I got back into my car pulling off and making my way home so that I could get ready.

About ten minutes later I was pulling up to my house once they let me through the gate.

Walking into the house, I realized Kairi and my mom was in the living room watching TV. "Kairiiiiii, dada home. Come give me hug." I told her as she turned around, her eyes were glued to the TV before but once she saw me she quickly got up running into my arms. I picked her up attacking her with kisses as she just giggled and laughed. This feeling would never get old, even with all the shit I have to go through being able to come home to my daughter is unmatched.

"Stop dada! stop!" She squealed as my mom watched us both

"Wassup ma, why you grilling me?" I asked and she laughed

"I just love seeing you two interact, she's such a daddy's girl." She said smiling and I chuckled

"Don't start getting soft on me. How you been? You look beautiful." I told her. I made sure to tell my mom she looked good any chance I got. I know being her age and not on the dating scene could get very lonely and I wanted my moms to feel beautiful because she was.

"Thank you papa. I love that you always compliment me.. it means more than you know." She told me and I smiled. My mom been calling me papa since I was a kid, she knew i'd have a fit if she did it infront of people but everybody knew I was a mama's boy.

"You know I got you forever ma."

I put Kairi down, heating up the pasta I got her in the microwave. She just sat on the counter doing who knows what on my phone. Once I got done heating up her food, I cut the noodles up smaller so she could eat it without me feeding her.

45 minutes later and I had Kairi fed, bathed and in the bed watching cartoons. I walked out of her room going downstairs to look for moms. "Ma?! where you at?" I called out to her

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