62. Differences

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December 28, 2020 | Harlem, New York12:28 AM

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December 28, 2020 | Harlem, New York
12:28 AM

"Mamas!" I called out to Kori as she twisted and turned in her sleep.

"No!!! No! Please.." She shouted causing me to frown. I leaned over her, shaking her so that she'd wake up. Within seconds she was jumping up and shouting, before soon realizing she was now fully awake and safe at home.

"Kori, calm down ma! You good." I told her before she took a deep breath looking around. She held one hand to her chest while breathing heavily. I pulled her closer to me, hugging her tightly before looking down at her.

"What was that about? You aight?" I questioned and she sighed

"Nothing, I was just having a bad dream." She told me

"Oh aight, bout what?" I questioned though a part of me knew the answer to that.

"I don't even remember." She lied causing me to squint my eyes at her

"You lying to me ma.. but aight." I said sitting up in the bed and slinging my feet onto the floor

"It was about the shooting." She confessed causing me to sigh

"Yea I figured. I don't even have nun to say other than I'm sorry... and I just know you tired of hearing that shit."

"I am tired of hearing it, mainly because it isn't your fault so I don't understand what you're sorry for." She replied

"It is but yea I hear you."

"It's not. If it was in your control this shit would never in a million years have happened." She said scrunching up her face. She hated when I'd blame myself or feel guilty about shit but it is what it is.

"That's the problem though Kori and you not understanding.. when it come to the lives of the people around me, I'm supposed to be in control. I ain't God, I can't prevent everything, and I know that. But this street shit ain't supposed to effect y'all at all."

"In what world Saint? Be realistic. Signals was going to cross eventually, it just happened sooner than later. In a perfect world yeah, you'd probably be able to keep this shit far away from us but that's not realistic, just ideal." She responded. "And I'm guessing this is why you've been acting distant towards me since you've been back home."

"I haven't——" Before I could finish my sentence she had an expression that read be foreal in so many words. "Nah that ain't why." I finished

"Okay so then why..." She asked crossing her arms over her chest

Truthfully I only been out that coma for a couple days and it feel like life just hit me hard. Christmas was the other day and Kori suggested we say fuck all the gifts and just spend time together as a family. Although that did take some pressure off of me it was only one thing on a long list of things I had to handle since being awake. Of course we still let the kids open gifts and do it big but we'd done enough for each other.

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