10. Win your love

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Jayda and Korion's apartment ^

May 12, 2020 | Manhattan, New York 1:17 AM

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May 12, 2020 | Manhattan, New York
1:17 AM

"You can just sit there." I told Saint pointing to one of the stools in the kitchen, as he laid Kairi down on the couch. I ran to the bathroom to get the first aid kit and change my clothes. When I came back out he was laying back, eyes closed.

"Alright sit up." I demanded standing in between his legs and he sat up sluggishly, I could tell he was exhausted and I honestly felt bad for him. "This is going to burn." I warned him before cleaning the cut on his hand. Maybe Skye boyfriend has braces, I thought.

He hissed pulling his hand back and I laughed "That shit not funny Kori." He said me by calling me a nickname he made up. I peeped he had a tattoo of a name above his eyebrow.

"I never realized you tatted her name right here." I said brushing my finger over the area

"Yeah, I got her name and birthday tatted on me when she was born" He told me. I nodded,  continuing to clean his cut. I still couldn't believe the shit that went down tonight.

"Her name is beautiful."

"Thank you, I named her after somebody close to me, just a different spelling." He said and I nodded

After about 10 minutes of me trying to bandage him up as he fell in and out of sleep I was finished. "Okay I'm done." I said as he opened his eyes. Standing up, he put both hands on my hips.. leaving no space between us, all while looking down at me.

"Preciate it mama" He said licking his lips and I cleared my throat. Fat ma is literally screaming at me, why did I agree to let this man stay here.

"You welcome" I said getting caught up on my words and reminding myself to take a step back. "You too close, damn." I said

"I can be close to you, fuck outta here." He mugged stepping closer and I laughed.

"Saint, backup." I said pushing him back by his chest, as he fell back into the seat pulling me with him. He rested his head on my shoulder and took a deep breath

"You good?" I asked him, I was worried about him honestly. Nobody deserved to deal with the shit he dealt with tonight. Besides him being in the streets he actually seemed like a genuine sweet person, who handled his responsibilities. It seemed as if he was the one taking care of everybody but didn't have anybody taking care of him.

"I am now.." He responded looking up, making me smile even though I tried so hard not to

"Are you always this touchy?" I asked laughing, I was tryna act so stiff but he really had me feeling some type of way.

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