54. A man's world

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December 15, 2020 | Harlem, New York 9:58 AM

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December 15, 2020 | Harlem, New York
9:58 AM

"Wake up!"

"Daddy wake up!" I heard small voices pulling me out of a deep sleep. I opened my eyes, allowing them to adjust onto the two children sitting before me. Kash and Kairi excitedly looked over me, while I wore a mug on my face. I sat there in silence trying to process that I'd actually just been woken up.

"Come on, we have a surprise!" Kash said before jumping on the bed.

"It better be some good shit cause ain't no way y'all just woke a nigga up out his sleep like that." I mumbled while getting out of the bed. I tapped my phone screen twice as it showcased the time and date. December fifteenth, ten o'clock in the morning, exactly two days before my birthday—- but it wasn't my birthday so again I ain't understand why they was waking me up like this. Knowing Kori she had all type of shit planned but I can't front like she don't got a nigga excited. I actually ain't been this excited for my birthday since I was a youngin.

"Hurry up daddy!"

"Yeah Saint you taking longer than aunt Kori now." Kash said causing me to chuckle

"Aight ima hurry up so y'all big head kids can stop rushing me."

"My head is not big!" Kai shouted. I just laughed before going to wash my face and brush my teeth. I came out of the bathroom once I was done, throwing on the Versace robe Kori gave me yesterday as an early birthday present.

"Aight let's roll." I said as Kai and Kash followed me down the steps of our home. As soon as my foot hit the bottom step, my face broke out into a wide smile.

There was food everywhere

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There was food everywhere. Tables full of everything you could think of. I walked deeper into the kitchen noticing extra tables full of food surrounded by large banners with pictures of me. A nigga couldn't even think straight, I'm not used to nobody doing all this shit for me, the feeling was weird.

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