chapter 2 help me learn?

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Blaza:"socks what happened I thought you were dead?!"

Socks:"ok I might have some explaining to do later but are you hungry or?"

Blaza:"I know I'm tired I know that for sher!"TwT

Socks:"so you want to go to sleep? I can go get you some blankets if you want?"

Blaza:"umm sher I.. I guss?"

Socks:"are you scared?"

Blaza:"of course not...ok made I am but you know I might have an idea..?"


Blaza:"common fallow me!"

Blaza then grabbed socks by the hand and dragged hem outside to a empty street. Slowly while blaza was dragging socks thay slowly started to release that thay felt a little worm.
Like the couple days before socks left to go to"space". For some reason blaza kept looking back at socks and socks was just staring at blaza the whole time. then blaza stopped running

Blaza:"k grab my hand as good as you can and let out your wings ok?"

Socks:" umm....if you say so I guess?"

Blaza then started to run faster then he was when bring socks thare. Socks never knew how fast he could run but it was enough to get him off the ground within seconds.

Socks never atchley felt like this till now. Whatever it is he's enjoying it. Hes has to know his best friend still wants to stay friends cus who knows how that could have gone.

Blaza also felt a bit off. Like he never felt it before. He was confused. All he cared about right now was the fact socks was still alive. Unlike the newspaper sead.

Socks and blaza were doing this for around 7 minutes. blaza started to slow down cus he was running out of energy. After 2 minutes of slowing down socks landed on the ground almost falling on blaza. There was a forest on the side of the road that led to a cliff tho you had to go relly deep in thare to get to it. Not to meny people knew about it. Socks and blaza went into the forest and sat down somewhere in it. Blaza was slowly falling asleep but wanted to stay awake .socks noticed and told blaza to hop on his back. After awhile of running around thay got to the cliff.

Socks was looking at the stars above when he heard a thud next to hem. He saw blaza asleep on the ground and he didn't think about it much at till he realized blaza was getting cold. He wrapped his wings around hem and slowly drifted to sleep as well.

Blaza woke up who know how long later. He quickly realized that this wasn't a dream and was scared but happy it was real. 1 cus his friend didn't die .2 hes scared on the fact that his best friend is now a dragon.

He released that it was still night and went to the edge of the cliff and sat down.

"I feel like I could stay here forever.....but why?"

but why?"

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