chapter 36 why

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Blaza decided to barge in and get hem out. The people that work there immediately started to slightly panic as he came in and broke socks out. To in exchange blaza got stuck in it and he was obviously about at the point he was about to try killing. They almost saw blaza as a beast of some sort as he almost broke hemself out. Socks was gust laying on the floor watching while also being a bit scared of blaza as he never seen hem like this.

After awhile blaza started to slow down as he slipped ran out of energy and passed out. Socks already escaped when he could otherwise he would be dead.

Blaza woke up the next day still trapped but in a different one alot stronger than the last one. He was confused on why they lock hem up as he still looked like a normal person. When someone walked in they were being crazily over protective as the doors were extremely hard to open it looks like and the windows were extremely thick. The person that came in was whareing these extremely thick cloveing while holding a long stick. The person slowly pressed buttons on the thing he was suck in and immediately ran off to the corner and blaza dropped to the ground. He also suddenly felt weak. But he also felt a bit more powerful than when he got locked up in that thing cus it must have token his power capabilities away at till relicsed. He slowly got up and walked to the door. The person was tarafide as he was getting closer to the door. The person blinked and he was gone.

Blaza went invisible before breaking open the door with somekind of heat power of some sort. He got out of the place and flew off but right before he left he went completely un invisible and said to never mess with hem or his "friend" again. He obviously had the face that said I'll kill you on right before flying off.

He got back to the cliff aboth the cave with a ruff landing as he obviously was a bit weaker now. He was breathing heavily and had his eyes closed as he was to tired to move at the time being.

Socks pov before blaza broke out.

He woke up wondering if they were going to let blaza out. He sat there also hopeing hes ok as something was off about hem when he got trapped in the thing he was in. Blaza didn't seem like he was atchley there. It was like something took control of hem.

A few hours later he heard a slight thump from aboth and immediately went to see what happened or was was it. He flew up and was tarafide to see blaza there breathing heavily and had his eyes closed as it looked like he was giving up.

No pov

Socks went over to hem to see if he was hurt. The only damage found was these weird lines on his wrist and ankles and a couple scratches from the fall. Over wise he looked completely fine and was confused on why he looked so weak. He picked up blaza and went to the group house slightly nervous.

548 words

So ya just a small update for the AU.

Also school finishes in 4 days for me so yay TwT

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