chapter 84 truths

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Blaza was still laying in bed not wanting to do eneything or be around eneyone so he went invisible sobif someone comes is they will think he not there. After awhile he got the ability to float around again and he immediately realized how his wings were limp. He knew he did this to hemself and just sighed

He felt tired bit at the same time he just wants to walk around and what not. He ended up leaving the cave invisible to not be seen but somehow was. Tbh was staring where he is looking concerned. Tbh walked up to hem asking if he's ok and blaza went un invisible as he is really confused. Tbh saw that he almost looks dead but isn't. Blaza went to leave but tbh went infront of hem trying to make sher he's ok. Blaza though he might aswell let tbh know something that socks knows of but not eneyone else's. He took out one of his pills he made before showing tbh. Tbh looked at hem confused and concerned.

"You don't get it do you..."

"Well what is that pill I never seen that kind?!"

"'s a pill I made for myself to keep myself in control and....I haven't been takeing them as one of the things I need I'm growing and it takes time to do so....and I only have a few l..left and depending on how Socks is doing he might...he might need to take them too and all this is calsing SO MUCH STRI GUST CANT TAKE IT SOMETIMES!"

tbh looked at hem slightly scared knowing that stuff like this can cause hem to lose control and the fact he hasn't lost control for a few months could be dangerous. Like it all could be building up so when he does it's going to be worse then the times before.

Blaza started to fell uneasy and went to fly off but felt like a brick hit his head and he fell to the ground.he tried to get up but couldn't and he slowly lost hemself passing out on the ground almost looking lifeless.

Tbh was about to run off to get help bit he doesn't have eneything to have hem know where he is. Not just that he doesn't want to drag hem or pick hem up as he's to heavy and would need help. Only over thing is to call out and hope socks isn't to far away.

An hour later he was still there but no one came. He was at the point of tears but he wasn't going to give up cus who knows if blaza is ok or dead. He felt as if he was going to calaps hemself but gave in and picked blaza up and started to look through the forest trying to find socks not caring on the fact that socks would find out he's one of them. Like one of his friends are in desperate need of help.

He eventually gave up as he was at the point of passing out. He put blaza down and sat on the ground hopeing socks will find them. Tbh then passed out.

Socks pov

Socks was heading back to the cave but when he got there no one was there. He immediately went back into the forest running through it as he doesn't know what blaza can get hemself into. He's been looking for about 3 hours now and still couldn't find hem. For peat sake he didn't even see tbh. This became concerning and he headed back to the cave but thought he herd breathing nearby and started looking around again.

After 10 minutes he found both tbh and blaza passed out. Tho tbh...had wings now to and a tail?! Socks pot blaza on his back and grabbed tbh. He struggled trying to fly them back but somehow did. The only problem being that his wings now hurt like hell. He put blaza on the bed and tbh on the couch. He doesn't know what to do as normally meme or tbh would have to deal with this but everyone in the group house would blame hem.

He doesn't know what to do as he's never dealt with this before. Like is he supposed to leave them be or try and wake them up. Then a thought came to mind. He should probably try and wake them up cus they could be in a deap coma or could be dead or can be passed out and will wake up in a no time.

Blaza pov.

Whe was freaking out but everything just stopped. All he saw was black. He felt pain for no reason. He felt ....lost. he has no clue what's happening but he can tell he's still alive but can't move. He was floating in a pitch black void with nothing. The only thing he could move is his wings and tail. He did still have the power of levitation and started to fly around to see if he can figure out what happened.

He was flying around for a few hours and there was nothing. He gave in and just let himself float in this endless void and layed back chilling there and acted as if he was just going to sleep.

No pov

Socks grabbed a cup of water and splashed the tow in the face to see it that would wake them up. It woke tbh up immediately but blaza was still knocked out as socks kinda expected.

Socks sighed knowing how blaza is sometimes and walked off. Tbh looked at the two not sher on what to to. He walked over to blaza to see if he's even alive knowing his luck. He's lucky still alive but seamed as if he's dead.

Honestly the only thing they can do is wait for hem to wake up on his own. And who knows how long that will be. Like you truly don't know what to expect from him and he never knows what to expect from overs. And who knows if he will go crazy when he wakes up.

Blaza pov

After a bit he was atchley scared to open his eyes as he felt like something is there. Like something he doesn't want to see. Eventually he did but he saw something heading towards hem. It looked like a bug of some sort. It attacked hem and he immediately realized it was trying to get under his skin. he immediately got it off not sher on what it is. He created a fire ball and held it on the thing at till it was dead. That's when he he realized there was alot more of them and started to panic.

He wasn't sher what to do as there's no way he can deal with this on his own. He got knocked down and was piled by those creatures. He gave up yelling that he did and next thing he knew it he flinged up and was back in the cave. He was still scared out of his life and felt like those things are still on hem.

No pov

Socks quickly noticed and ran over to make sher he's ok as it seems like he was freaking out. Blaza almost had tears cus how scared he was and just didn't move. He realized socks has came over and he immediately got as close to hem as possible as he can't stand being alone at this point as he didn't enjoy the experience of those things attacking hem and couldn't handle it on his own.

He was practically tarafide.

1276 words

So you know those bug things are parasites that make hem kill those who have nothing to deal with hem. So ya this entire time it was parasites that were controling hem.

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