chapter 32 dangerous

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Socks landed in the laboratory he was experimented on and looked for a tube witch one next to the one he was in he put blaza. He started looking around the controls and found a revival one. He put in some codes and what not and suddenly these tube like things attached to blaza. Socks slightly scared was hopeing for the best. He left and looked back at blaza before flying off back to the cave.

When socks got there he felt controlled and couldn't Escape. Socks dosen't know that the entire group was hideing scared on what he might do as laff told them hes probably going to lose his mind and go crazy which he already was starting to. Suddenly socks just flopped on the bed and started to tear up. What if the revivele doesn't work what if it makes hem dead for entirety even with magic or something.

It was obvious socks wasn't sher about this and started flying back to the laboratory while wolf and dino followed hem. Socks entered the laboratory and canceled the revival thing as he was to scared it would kill hem for good. Socks suck remembered he can copy overs powers.

Oh did I forget to mention that when socks gangs someone else's power that he can transfer it to overs. Ya he can do that TwT I think you know the plan he has.

Socks started to fly back but he saw something in the clouds. It had black that made it noticeable. He flew up and started to se silowets of 2 people. Or anamals?

He got close enough to be able to tell it was wolf and dino. Socks immediately dived down in fear he will hurt them while forcing air up to push them away. They sat for a moment looking at each other while thinking for a moment.

Did socks just control air!?!??!

It left them confused but they flew back to the cave knowing that's where he was going. On the way socks found nadwe flying around and nadwe immediately remembered them. Nadwe was immediately concerned about the fact that socks was acting weird and asked what was wrong. Socks slowly turned around to show blaza who was dead on his back.

Nadwe immediately started to drag socks back to the cliff and also asked what happened to blaza like why does he have wings? socks only replayed with that he doesn't know but he also told nadwe that the both of them has powers and told nadwe his plan.

They landed on the cliff and immediately socks told nadwe to get ready. Nadwe was fine if this killed him as he doesn't really have any goals or eneything to do in life eneywase. Socks used somekind of power to copy the last power that blaza used and sent it to nadwe who immediately got a chill down his spine. Nadwe had his hand light up like wen meme was revived. As soon as he touched blaza he started to get weak but didn't die like blaza did.

Socks immediately looked over at blaza hopeing the plan worked. Socks could see that blaza was breathing once again and immediately calmed down as he thought he was gone forever. Socks also felt in control again as nadwe flew off exactly weak. Blaza slowly woke up while saying did it work? Socks just said it did work tho for hem it didn't as it killed hem.

Blaza shot up being surprised. He didn't even notice that he even passed out but he died?!?!! Blaza felt confused as he wasn't sure on what the heck did he die or not.

He didn't know how to feel about this as he thought that it wasn't possible. He felt immoral at till then but he didn't care about that hes just happy that he didn't get to leave socks without saying goodbye as he didn't release he died then. Socks was tackled by blaza in a hug. They laughed it off not know wolf and dino were still watching them. They had a feeling that the 2 loved each other ever since a year ago now?

Blaza was tearing up but socks just patted him as he doesn't really know how to respond in this. This was slightly uncomfortable for socks as blaza is taller than hem so he was getting crushed practically. Socks tried to get blaza off hem but he only failed as blaza was to heavy for hem to move but he let it slide as he could've not seen him again instead. Socks grabbed blazas head to look at hem and just told hem he missed hem. Blaza responded with a nod before getting off socks and looking at the sky while laying down next to socks.

Socks curled up in a ball and layed his head on blazas chest hearing his hart beat. He was happy to here it again as he was really upset when he didn't when he revived meme. Blaza understood that socks was worried with out hem and also just let things slide. He didn't really even care if socks ever wanted to do eney its fine  besides blaza belongs to socks now. Blaza didn't really care about what sort dose to hem before hand to but if socks is ever really for eneything blaza is really eney time as he atchley doesn't care.

So just quietly listened to blazas hart beat while thinking to hemself. How much do we trust each other. Are we atchley ment to be? Do we just think we should be together? Socks pushed those thoughts to the side and turned his head to look at blaza with a smile.

Blaza gave a small smile back at socks and kinda forgot about what happened. As it was almost night once again they practically continued from the night before socks was stabbed in the neck. Socks was staying close as blaza was almost asleep. Socks slid up and hid his face under blazas chin. It made blaza wake up again as he wasn't sure what socks was doing but he was chill with it and flopped his head back to the ground.

While blaza was asleep he turned towards socks and practically held onto hem making socks stay awake as he was trying to get comfortable again. Socks suddenly hard a sound in the forest that was new to hem. Socks got out of blazas grip and started to walk into the forest knowing that this couldn't be good. Blaza woke up as socks was getting up and he went invisible to falow hem.

Socks kept walking but started to run after awhile. Lucky blaza could still levate as he could easily keep up with hem. Socks suddenly came to a stop and fru a stick infront of hem. A trap big enough for a dragon snapped close. Both socks and blaza was scared of that and socks started to use the earth power to frow rocks infront of hem. Blaza kept following socks but suddenly socks started to fly and again blaza followed as if something happened at least he was there incase. 

They were in a area of mountains now and bin flying for around 4 hours now. As they flew over one of them a fire lit arrow came up and hit blaza who was flying infront of socks.  As soon as blaza was hit he went back to normal haveing socks see hem. Socks didn't even know he was there till then. Blaza was still awake able to see socks coming down to help him.

Blaza hit the ground almost makeing hem pass out as the arrow now went all the way fru hem. Socks came down and saw these people that were like hunters. Blaza slowly got up in pain and started to float there as he was to weak to stand. One of the people pointed the bow at socks and the over pointed it at blaza. Blaza obviously won't live fru another one but socks probably won't live fru one. Socks ripped the arrow out of blaza and took hem hes sorry and told him to go invisible. Blaza went invisible as soon as socks ripped out the arrow and socks also went invisible and they flew off. Blaza didn't know how to think about pain eney more as he was always getting hurt. Blaza quickly passed out to blood loss and was on socks back. Socks felt as they should be locked away for awhile to get a break from being hurt and getting help.

Entirety they needed to have a break from the real world And spend time on they're own for a few months maby a year. Tho they knew that this wouldn't last long at all.

1471 words
So ya I'm almost out of ideas for the AU know so like TwT.

Also F in the comments for blaza being abused in this book like he literally died at one point.

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