chapter 96 new creatures

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By the time blaza wokeup socks had been gone and left. He sighed and got up looking at the chickens that are in the now extended fence that's around them. He grabbed a small one and put it on his shoulder and went to grab some food for the chickens.

After he feed them the small one kinda just stayed with hem. He tried to let it be with the overs but it wouldn't leave hem. And hem being nice despite his rampages and what not decided to keep it with hem.

He walked out of the cave and walked along the oceans edge. The sun was out with no clouds makeing it bule sky's. Time to time there was a plane and he would stop and watch it remembering what happened almost a year ago. He sighed and kept walking and was starting to see the group house when tbh flew out from nowhere. He quickly moved out of the way and tbh triped over the water and fell into it. For blaza this was quite funny.

Tbh sat up and attempted to squeeze the water out of his wings that he's had for awhile now. A wave came over hem and he quickly stood up. At this point blaza started to brake into a wheeze. Tbh stood there soaked with the salt water and slowly looked over and started to laugh. He got out of the water and asked if blaza could get hem a towel. He nodded at teloprted and came back with one in almost no time at all. Luckily he's getting used to the newer abilities.

He started to walk away and tbh ran into the forest again. Honestly why hasn't he told anemone else that he's a winged monster now. It's been a few months or something.

He was walking by the group house and honestly he wasn't sher is socks would he there or somewhere knowing Socks he would probably go somewhere else but he went in the group house to see if socks was there anyways.

He went inside the group house and asked but it turned out socks wasn't there. He ended up staying there anyways and kinda just chilled there in the living room. He could tell some of the group was still scared of hem like wolf and dino. They've seen what's happened before.

He saw nadwe and muffin down the hall and he kinda thought to hemself. Did nadwe make hem into a winged monster or not. Like it's the only explanation at the moment and they kinda just left it like that. They never actually went into detail. They never researched hem to figure out what atchley happened.

Meme came walking over asking if he's ok and blaza only shrugged. He didn't really know if he was ok or not anyways. Like he's ok but with the parasites and trauma he dosen't know. Like he dosen't want to say he's ok and atchley not be or say he's not ok and atchley be ok. He truly doesn't know.

Meme walked away for a minute and came back with some water and gave it to blaza. There really wasn't much to do. Blaza took the water practically inhaling it. He knows that there's the possibility that socks could be in danger but at the same time he can over react at times

He got up and put the glass on the counter and left to go look. Tbh was outside the door chilling and took one of those things meme had made and immediately passed out. He calt hem and carefully put hem on the ground but was slightly concerned. He walked away like nothing happened.

He started to go towards the over cave and by now it was about the middle of the day so socks would probably be hideing. As he entered the cave the air was fin as it always was.

He didn't see socks aneywere so wondered if socks possibly went deeper in the cave or if he gentlely wasn't there. Slowly going deeper it got darker and he grabbed a few sticks to make a torch and set the top part on fire and went deeper into the cave. He saw few different stones that looked cool but it's not what he was looking for.

The air got colder and colder and eventually found the area where socks got crushed that one time. He stopped and stared silently. He remembers being scared at the time. He looked at the ground and farther down the cave. There wasn't aney water like there was last time.

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