chapter 56 please come back...dont fail me.

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Two months after blaza was revived he would get sick more often and felt like something was missing from his life. He couldn't put his finger on it tho. He felt like he was suddenly getting sick to often and whent to the hospital hopeing nothing goes bad. They passed a room that blaza immediately remembered what happened. He was taken to a different room and he did as he was told to hopefully not get controlled again.

They needed to get another blood test from hem but this time froze hem so he couldn't feel eneything and covered his eyes with a damp cloth again cus that seemed to help alot last time. The clof was token of and he didn't even finch apparently. He had a small piece of calton on his arm and didn't even realize it was there at till he saw it. He seems to be slightly fascinated on what freezing can do and kept pokeing at the frozen area.he was acting like a kid witch everyone thought was cute as they always see hem as a controlled monster now.

They came back not sher if hes ok or not as the test only put ???. They said he could leave or stay with socks knowing how atched he is. He said hell stay with socks as he only half remembers hem currently. He went into the room and kept remembering more and slowly started to run hopeing hes ok as his personality started to kick in again. Like he was locked away for two months you expect hem to remember the entire time?!

He saw that the hart rate is low but definitely better then it was from what he last remembers. The nurses said if he doesn't wake up by two days he'll be taken off life sport witch was really worrying for blaza. he knows that he might aswell be the one to kill everyone if that happens as there's no way hes going back to normal if so.

This is now becoming extremely dangerous now as they can't have hem go crazy.

Two days go by and blaza wasn't leaving. They decided to chane hem up in there so after the death they can drag hem awhay as its obvious he wants to be there for socks last moments. They took hem off the life sport and the heart rate dropped immediately and whent flat.

Tho as they where dragging blaza out as he kept pulling them all back the heart rate came back surprising everyone. Blaza froze before he saw a slight movement and broke out of the chanes. The nurses left incase he does go crazy again. Slowly socks started to wake up and blaza immediately brightened up. Socks slowly looked around questioning what happened.  He tried to sit up but had a giant shock go fru hem instead. Blaza immediately started to use his healing power to relieve the pain not wanting to see socks in the state hes in.

He doesn't like seeing his friends in pain ingenrl so he obviously needs to help hem otherwise there's no point in having these powers to heal and what not. Socks seems extremely weak currently and blaza obviously isn't leaving socks alone. Blaza obviously wants socks to not be this weak and wandered if he can transfer energy to hem.

Blaza looked down at his hands and back at socks. Socks was looking at hem with hope and obviously couldn't even talk currently. Blaza nealed at the side of the bed holding onto socks hand and lit up showing hes useingbsome kind of power witch socks only felt relief. blaza only hopped for the best but was slowly losing his own energy and started to feel tired and blacked away and immediately stopped glowing. Socks had enough energy move around now but didn't cus of his cut.

Socks did move slowly haveing less pain and got close enough to the edge to see blaza half asleep laying there. Socks knew he wasn't the luckiest person here and lend a hand to blaza witch he only looked up at hem before flopping his head to the floor.he wasn't weak or eneything gust tired from using two healing powers in one go. As if he hasn't already became scared of using his powers already. He quickly fell asleep and socks only watched hem makeing sher his breathing dosen't stop. Blaza was obviously ok but it was to make sher he o- .

Just the one of the "nurses" came in with "sleeping darts" and shot blaza motible times on repeat. Blaza immediately woke up not sher how he woke up but then released these ones arnt sleeping ones. He took off his hoodie immediately so it doesn't get covered in blood again and almost immediately lost control of hemself killing the guy who shot him motible times. Tho now this was a problem as he is now not going back to normal.

He was acting like a peur wolf that's always over protective. Like one who would fight you over one area of air. Tho on the over hand socks was lucky that he landed on the side that blaza wouldn't kill hem. Blaza was being extremely sweet towards socks and stayed close but every sound he heard he would immediately go hostile towards it tho one time someone came in slowly poking there arm into the room with a plate of food. Blaza immediately recognized the hand and arm and stopped glowing at relizeazhon and opened the door slowly tho staying low and carefully looking up at who it is.

Tbh stood there in silence as he saw blaza calm down tho he was surprised to see blaza without his hoodie on. He saw motable places bleeding like crazy and he was surprised that blaza wasn't going crazy at till he realized he must have tamed hem in some way over the past two months. Blaza did become slightly hostile when he came close to socks or hem but overall he seemed to be chill and calm.

Eventually blaza released how tbh was looking at the areas that are bleeding and looked up at hem like he was confused. Tbh suddenly went into a cabinet and grabbed calton pad things and something to wrap around it and some tape. Blaza stayed still knowing what he is doing and came closer. Tbh looked at hem with hope that he wouldn't attack and was lucky he didn't when he dragged hem over to a sink. He grabbed a wet cloth and carefully pressed it on the bits that were bleeding. Blaza flinched at it stinging a bit as tbh put higrodinproxide on it with out hem nowing so he can clean it better then just water.

Ther we these holes that were around the size of a thin rope and blaza slightly freaked out but calmed down quickly. After awhile all the bits that were bleeding were covered up and he immediately went back towards socks. Tbh was surprised he let hem even clean the wounds and whent to leave but it seemed like blaza only trust hem and socks currently and decided to stay so if a nurse comes in cus socks can't leave the bed or move much tbh would be the only one to calm blaza down.

Tbh didn't know that meme would come and when he saw hem he immediately had to hold blaza back knowing that even when blaza is not controlled he still doesn't completely trust meme. and the fact he is controlled he immediately tried to go and kill hem tho after awhile started to get tired and give up knowing tbh wouldn't let that happen. Socks looked at meme with what looked like a death glare knowing he kept blaza locked up for two months. Meme felt out of place but apparently didn't come to see socks but to ask tbh if he knew where laff is as laff said he would be here to see how socks is doing but never came back. Immediately blaza backed away and thats when meme got slightly confused on one why is his hoodie off. two why does he have these things wrapped around hem with blood stains. 3 why is he backing awhay.

Realization hit hard since again.

1390 words

Welp 🙏😔 blaza you have messed up once again...

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