chapter 45 help...

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Blaza slowly woke up once again before releasing socks had fell asleep. He looked out away from the camp and started to walk towards the ocean. He has a feeling hes being controlled time to time now and feels like hes going to hurt them again or worse. He looked back at camp and flew off.

He got back to the cliff and sat there thinking about his own life. He never really cared about eneything at till socks left and got experiment on. All he really wants to do now is protect his friends and not hurt them. He doesn't like seeing his friends suffer that kinda explains why he was so overly perceptive about socks when he was almost killed in the cave.

Socks slowly woke up and saw meme and tbh looking at hem scared looking. He was confused at till he realized that blaza wasn't there. he immediately started to look around but tbh and meme have already looked around already. Socks flew off to go check the cave they live in as that's the first place he can think of.

Blaza was gust chilling there but suddenly heard foot steps behind hem. He didn't move knowing what most likely there. He slowly turned around and saw black figures cus of the lighting and saw something being bounced up and down onto a hand.

He was aggressively pulled up and got locked onto a tree.he kept trying to break out but was punched in the stomach making hem immediately stop. he looked up and saw something glimmering in one of there hands.

He felt sorry sharp against his neck which he started to breathe quickly. Hes was in a panic that was visible to everyone around. He knew no matter what he does hes going to be killed. He looked down at the knife before trying to lean into it gust to make them unable to make hem suffer for who knows how long before they kill hem. The guy immediately pulled it away so that wouldn't happen and slised his arm instead.

At this point he had a slight idea. He kept trying to get the knife motebile times witch only made them get triggered. Eventually that guy had enough and went to stab hem in the chest but everyone pulled him awhay but the guy grew it hitting hem in the steering and immediately started to colf block and clasped.

Socks could see the cliff in the distance now and saw something against a tree. as he got closer he knew who it was. He immediately speed up to see hem limp with blood dripping from his mouth and a stab wound in his stomach area. He immediately untied hem before flying hem back to camp. On the way he woke up and started colfing blood again. Socks was already in a panic but one panicked more.

He landed while crashing almost falling in the fire. meme and tbh immediately booked it over and immediately started to get medical stuff. Some reason tbh was working harder then meme but that doesn't matter as blazas life is on the line currently. Socks gust kept washing blazas mouth out from the blood while the other two were disinfecting the wounds. Tho when they were wrapping hem he still to colf up blood once again and all he felt was pain.

There isn't eneyone they could do about the colfing but they told socks to stay by the water to be able to clear his mouth so he wouldn't taste the blood as it doesn't taste good one bit.

Blaza only could felt pain and limp and kept looking around tho most of the time was looking at socks. He only wants to porter hem. He only wants to be around hem. he only wants hem to stay safe.

Socks layed down next to hem and put his head on blazas chest. Blaza suddenly got the strength to put his hand on socks head and quickly fell asleep.

Socks quietly listened to blazas hart beat and suddenly felt a hand touch his head. He looked up slightly and saw blaza was falling asleep. Socks went back to putting his head on blazas chest only to hear it get slightly lower and slower. He immediately got back up and went to meme and tbh and told them there going to the hospital as blazas hart beat was getting slower by the second. 

They understood hem and let hem go.

They were almost there when blaza woke back up and told him there's no chance. Socks didn't listen tho and only speed up to get hem onto life sport as soon as possible. By the time he was hocked up tho there was only 5% chance of life as he only had 6 beats in a minute so every 10 seconds one beat. This was obviously hard on socks as if life sport doesn't help within a week he'll have to be put down.

Socks only stayed close to hem hopeing for the best of luck.

850 words

Ya so that's this chapter and I wrote it at the cabin without internet somehow....

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