chapter 26 new cat.

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There is deth talked about alot in this chapter as a WORNING

Socks woke up on the side of the bed blaza was on and looked around the room. He almost forgot what happened the day before and he was obviously worried about blaza as he was shot 3 times. He wanted to forget it tho as it scared him once he passed out and was shot again. It wouldn't get out of socks head tho. It's like it was carved into his brain or something.

Blaza slowly woke up and tried to get up but was still paralyzed from what happened yesterday. He still could feel the pain but he was able to handle it cus how much he has been fru pain this past 4-5 months. He also felt as he was the unlikely one.the resons why is one getting hert like 5× more since he got re United with socks after what happened to hem. And the over reson is that ever since then hes bin becoming more scared of random things he used to not be scared of. Hes even starting to be afraid of his own friends.

Blaza looked over to the right to see socks sitting there between a desk and the bed. Blaza laughed a small bit at sight that caused socks to look over. Socks just gave blaza a confused look while staring directly at hem. Blaza noticed and quickly stopped laughing makeing it dead silent once again. The both of the just stared at each other confused. Blaza suddenly tried to sit up a bit more but only clasped to the bed.

Blaza just layed there knowing there's no point in trying again as he would keep falling. Socks got up and sat on the edge of the bed and helped blaza get up. Blaza didn't even realize that socks was thare till he started to pick hem up. Blaza was leaning on socks due to being paralyzed socks was just sitting there petting blaza on the head as if he was a car or something. Gust then laff came in to see how blaza was doing knowing socks was also in there. He was kinda shocked to see blaza leaning on socks yet again he's also paralyzed so he didn't think much of it even tho socks was petting blazas head. He knew that blaza was scared of alot of things now and was going fru a tuff time so when laff saw that he just fought of socks trying to be a good friend.

Laff did some medical stuff to help with the pain blaza is in and to clean the gun shots to make sher they don't get infected....0_0 infected me socks moment....

Laff left the room and let the 2 be alone knowing that they aren't going to do eneything crazy....right.?

After awhile blaza tried to get closer to socks if that's even possible but socks just giggled a small bit and blaza was practically acting like a cat now. Socks didn't know why blaza was acting like this but he found it adorable tho. Out of random blaza lightly bit socks arm makeing socks look down at hem confused. At this point socks literally thought blaza was turning into a cat.

Socks left the room to see the group acting like farm animals tho laff was more of a lion trying to calm them all down. Socks gust froze in confusion. After awhile he made that snap sound with his wings to calm down for awhile. Everyone didn't even know he was thare at till then. Socks then walked to the kitchen to get some food. Everyone just watched hem walk to the kitchen as socks school them for a bit forgetting that socks was part dragon.

Socks went back to the room blaza was in tho he was shocked to see blaza trying to take off his hoodie. Socks knew that blaza would never take it off unless hes going into some sort of water. He just stood at the door as he was surprised. Blaza eventually got it off and layed in the bed looking really tired. Socks walked over to hem slightly scared cus hes slightly confused on why he took it off. Socks sat on the edge of the bed with some food to give to blaza. Blaza looked at the food then at socks in a somewhat ball.

"Blaza are you a cat or something cus you seem to be acting like one?!"

Blaza stayed quiet for a minute.

"What do you mean? You atchley think I'm acting like a dam cat!? This is just me being me when I'm alone most of the time."

"So your saying your a cat on the inside?!"

"What no I'm aslo paralyzed and in pain so that's makeing me act different so I don't go in more pain."

"Ok you have a point the- are you being clingy?!"

Blaza stayed quiet with a surprised face while struggling to stay up. Socks suddenly picked up blaza and put him on his back and wrapped his wings around hem as blaza is not supposed to leave the room at till he was no longer paralyzed. Socks snuck blaza out of the house and brought them to the cave they lived in. When they got there tho meme was there looking at a blood pool and a built was in his hand. Meme ternd around so see socks there. Thay both stayed still tho meme was scared not knowing what socks might do.

Meme ran past the 2 leving blaza and socks confused. Socks sat blaza at the small creek in the cave when they heard talking. Socks shoved blaza under the bed then hemself. The sudden movement made blaza slightly uncomfortable but calmed hem down witch was a good thing. It didn't take long for the group that shot blaza to get there. Thay saw that they were looking around probably to see if socks killed hem self as they thought they killed blaza makeing it so that socks would kill hem self. The plan obviously back fired tho as they both lived. One of them walked up to the bed on the side socks was on. Blaza knew that that guy was going to check under the bed so with out worning he covered socks with his wing sot that they wouldn't see hem. Blaza was lucky that he had a black wing cus of this. When the guy looked under all he saw was a black wing that looked like blazas and immediately looked on the over side. Blaza noticed and played dead.

Blaza was not expecting to be pulled out from under the bed tho. Blaza immediately held his breath and went limp to make them think he was dead.  Socks was scared cus if they found out  blaza was still alive they would immediately kill hem. The guy kept looking around and at this point blaza was almost out of breath and atchley passed out. The guy immediately noticed when he passed out cus he immediately breathed out. now socks was panicking big time but stayed under there incase the didn't realize. The guy walked away and came back with 3 more members. The 3 of them held blaza to the ground. Blaza slowly woke up and we saw a gun on his head. The guy immediately saw blazas wings lower and almost pulled the trigger but didn't as he didn't have the gut feeling like he knew hem in some way. Socks was scared solid while looking at this.he tried to move but couldn't. The guy pulled the trigger.

1281 words.
Ya cliff hanger!

All I'll say is that you'll be surprised on what happens next!

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