chapter 23 a long day out

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This chapter is going to be like the main course of heatwaves cus like ya whay not TwT

It was still early in the morning at the time around 6 or 7 am. Socks wanted to bring blaza back to the beach cus they practically live there now. In stead of going to the cave he brought blaza to the cliff and asked him if he could fly. Blaza looked over at socks with the face that seems to say. Dose it look like it?

Socks grabbed blazas hand and jumped off the edge. Blaza immediately knew what socks was doing so he pulled out his wings fast enough so that he wouldn't fall out of socks grip due to gravity existing. Blaza got a hang of it quicker then socks cus socks wasn't even trying at first. It didn't take long for blaza to be able to tern around and stay in place. It was cooking out side but they didn't care all they cared about is the fact that they are alive and atchley doing quite well. Eventhough socks got hit by a plane but hes fine...

Eventually socks let go of blazas hand so that they could fly around freely. At one point the flu past each other in a whay that they both knew that they loved each over and they dont want to fly around alone eney more.

I atchley drew this before the first speed paint fun fact TwT

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I atchley drew this before the first speed paint fun fact TwT.

As they flew past each other they also looked at each other and blaza was atchley smiling for once cus he has bin traumatize from different events. One of which almost killed hem. There was also the time he saw socks get hit by a plane without a doubt scared hem on the fact they were flying around.

Thay were both haveing a great time flying around each over at till it was getting ready dark. This was something they haven't released before but the stripes on socks wings were now glowing as well as the star like pattern on his wings. Blaza also had a light glow around his head thing. Thay both stop and looked at each other. Blaza went to put out his hand to see glowing swirls and what not. They were both shocked to see that they had these glowing capabilities. Blaza looked from his hand then at socks. He looked like he was a bit scared. When socks grabbed his hands they did this flicker thing that scared them both.

Blaza was obviously confused and scared at the same time and socks knew that. He told blaza that he could gust go on his back so he could try to calm down. Tho blaza was only panicking more cus when he flapped his wings in a Pacific way they also lit up scareing hem and falling off socks. He was able to catch hemself but he was obviously overwhelmed cus of this.

Socks came down to blaza and grabbed his shoulder. At this point blaza was starting to tear up and socks was worried that he might break down during the flight back as they have flu out quite far. It was also obvious that blaza was quickly starting to fall asleep as he haven't slept for awhile and just used alot of energy. When blaza did finally fall asleep he fell not to far cus socks calt hem on his back once again.

Another thing that socks relisd at that moment is that all the lights went out when he passed out. Socks kept saying this to hem self but he fought this whole lights thing was cute on blaza even though he was obviously scared. Socks eventually got them back to the cave and put blaza down and walked to the creek to get some water. When he ternd back blaza was starting to wake up. Socks walked back over to hem and sat next to hem. The only reaction blaza had was to lean on socks cus he was still half asleep.  Socks put his arm behind blaza and held hem close knowing that blaza was probably still scared of what happened. Blaza fell asleep within seconds and socks was still awake hold ing blaza slowly falling asleep.

Blaza woke up the next morning and sat at the creek. His foot Barely touched the top of the water. He sat thare trying to get over all the fears he had now. He was slowly starting to be scared of hem self at this point. He didn't even realize that socks woke up at till he sat next to blaza. They stayed quiet for awhile until socks wrapped his arms around blaza. He looked over at socks and had a small smile and grabbed socks arm and said.

"You know socks...I think we should make this cave our home."

Socks just smiles at hem

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Socks just smiles at hem. They sat thare for awhile at till blaza got up. Socks followed hem. Eventually blaza lead them to socks house and they started to pack things up. They also had a small system going .blaza was panicking up the boxes and what not and socks would fly them to the cave. It was simple enough for then they only got the things they would need like a bed food plates forks knifes. I think you get it.

They didn't bring mutch atchley but at least the cave was a bit better of a place to live now. After that they flew out to the forest to see the group that kicked them around. So you know the reason why is cus they thought that they were a good target as they were these creatures that shouldn't exist.

One of the group members looked up and told the others to pull out their cross bow. Socks noticed one of them were pointing it at blaza. Meanwhile blaza was confused why he stopped. Gust then socks dived down and the one with the crossbow was now scared seeing that he was coming down. He pulled the trigger and socks was shot. Blaza then noticed why he was sitting there at first. He came down to socks as the kid was loading the crossbow again. The kid ran over to them to immediately be scared cus blazas wings were lighting up. He slowly ternd around looking really mad at this point with a hint of trauma. It was obvious he was also scared at the same time. One of the members grabbed the kid with the crossbow and took it away from him. He then pointed it at the kid.

The group ran off while the one stayed to help. It was the same one from last time. Socks was almost at the point he was going to pass out. The arrow hit hem on the shoulder really close to his neck.

Ok cus I dont know what to call the member I'm just going to say this now but its atchley meme so TwT.

Meme pulled the arrow out and pulled out the med kit. He wrapped around the spot that he was hit. He left the med kit with the 2 and ran off. Blaza had socks go on his back so that he wouldn't lose as much blood as he would if he ran or even walked. Even so it might also knock hem out if he were to walk back. On the walk back he did eventually pass out.

1249 words

Yeee so socks is going to be ok dont worry.

Ok this is a small fun story.

So the past few days have been extremely hot outside whare I live ok and it's now June and all I think about is socks and the group.

*Heatwaves intensifies*

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