chapter 61 blood moon

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Blaza was still in extreme pain and wanted help for once. He knew socks ran off looking scared and he understood that. He knows he's dangerous and he probably thought that it's probably not a headache after awhile tho it is just a headache.

Blaza tried to get out of the bed to get medication for the headache but it only pulled hem to the ground with pain. Blaza honestly thought that headaches can't be that bad but wow was he wrong. The only good thing is that he wasn't getting controlled cus of this. He layed on the cold ground witch helped a little bit but not mutch.

After he felt like it calmed down enough he slowly got up and got the medication and leaned agenst the wall of the cave slowly sliding down it. He still felt the pain but he hopes the medication will kick in quicker. He felt tired tho he wasn't going to fall asleep eneytime soon cus the headache. There wasn't eneything he could do to make it kick in faster and he just sat there for a few hours.

After a few hours he passed out out of nowhere. He didn't even realize that and all he saw was black and blinked onec and was suddenly in a dream.

Blaza was just in a room with nothing but a door that was locked. He tried to brake it down and use his powers but they were gone. He was confused but then realized he was back to normal. He was completely confused but he also felt off. He wasn't sher if this was a dream or not yet again it felt as if he atchley didn't have the wings in the first place. Was the entire wing thing a dream. Was socks atchley part dragon. Was socks atchley made up?!

Blaza started to panic not shere if he's atchley ok or not. Did he atchley kill people and hurt his friends. He broke down the door despite and it was the house socks once lived in before he left and got experimented on. He walked around and saw socks laying in a bed. He got closer and the room changed to a hospital where the hart rate was normal but suddenly dropped dead. He quietly ran towards hem and fell into another black room.

He started walking around as it slowed started to look like space. He suddenly felt like something was around his neck and passed out.

Blaza woke up tarafide and was freaking out. He wasn't sher if that was a worning or not as he started felt like something was around his neck. He still felt wired but he was still the monster he is. He didn't have the headache eneymore but felt really off as if he was sick. He also felt uncomfortable for some reason and got of the ground.

He quietly left the cave and has an idea of where socks would have gone tho he doesn't like the thought of it. He quietly went towards the lab hopeing he won't freak out again and be scared of everything again.

He didn't care tho as he just wants to make sher he is ok. Tho right before he left he grabbed something to cover his eyes with for when he's close to it.

Blaza was starting to see the place and immediately got a uneasy feeling and almost fell out of the air. He quietly put the pice of cloth over his eyes and got closer felling more uneasy by the moment. He's lucky that as soon as he was aboth the place his levitation wore off. He did have a ruff landing but at least he didn't fall I'm the water overwise he would have drowned.

He slowly got up and slowly moved around finding the building and entering it. He suddenly felt pulled towards a different way and calapsed feeling extremely uneasy and almost felt sick.he tried to get up but calapsed again. He knew this wasn't good but kept trying to get up.

He only kept falling bit suddenly felt like he was picked up. he slightly panicked incase it wasn't socks. All he could tell is that something is really off with hemself and was almost about to pass out but felt something poking hem keeping hem from passing out tho he now feels weak. He felt like he jumped but didn't and fell to the ground not shere of what's happening.

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