chapter 43 / 2 back again.

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Socks never seen blaza so upset before and felt blaza for leaving hem for that short bit of time. Blaza still felt a bit weak but didn't care. Socks got up slightly burned and went to the cave and layed down before falling asleep Immediately. Blaza was being quite clingy currently almost loosening his loved one.

Socks woke up the next morning and saw how clingy and tightly blaza was holding onto hem. He didn't mind though and guess layed there. Blaza slowly woke up and only held onto socks tighter. It was starting to hurt socks a little but he didn't care at all. He understands that he was worried about hem and let it be. Eventually they decided to go back to the island as they still need a break from everything that happened before.

Socks still couldn't fly properly to the broken wings so blaza just took hem to hop on his back. Some was surprised to see how much quicker blaza is then hem and it slightly scared hem. Socks was starting to fall asleep as he felt the ocean breeze go past hem and the fact he felt relaxed being with blaza. He only just fell asleep but was immediately woken up by a slight thud on the ground and fell of blaza but immediately got caught.

Just then meme came out of the tent seeing them like this and just turned around like nothing ever happened. Blaza pulled socks back up and walked over to the tent to explain what just happened to meme. Socks just looked at the damage he created the day before and started regrets it.

Blaza was trying to talk things out with meme before finlay emitted that they have been together for awhile. Meme suddenly felt like he was lieing and told him to prove it. Blaza went outside meme following after hem. Blaza went over to socks and kissed him witch he immediately kissed back. Hit held for a bit before pulling away. 

Meme was surprised that they atchley were together but kept it a secret from everyone?! Everyone knew that socks liked blaza for a few years but no one atchley knew that blaza liked hem back. He felt happy for the two tho he wished it could have bin hem and tb- socks!... he suddenly though why did he think of tbh first....

He walked it off and left blaza and socks alone instead of annoying them.

Blaza being hem was still tired but was leaning on socks kinda aggressively. Socks didn't care tho as he knows that something's up with hem already as he was once like a cat then came to be defensive like a wolf with its pray. He also knows that he would do eneything to protect hem rather it ment death or not.

He put his hand on blazas angel like wing realizing how fluffy and soft it is. Blaza looked over at socks kinda confused but saw how fascinated socks looked. He opened up the wing that socks seemed interested in. Socks practically melted hemself to his wing makeing blaza feel a bit awkward. He gust kinda sat thare letting socks do whatever. Tbh was recording this as he was practically melting from wheezing so hard.

Socks was practically addicted to blazas wing at this point and it was starting to annoy hem at this point. He closed his wing witch socks only latched onto it holding it closed. Blaza let out a sigh and opened it to immediately close it and flew in the air. Socks sat there but suddenly started to jump to try to get to hem. At this point it was practically freaking blaza out.

He flew off as he knew he couldn't fly currently and it kinda made socks upset. He didn't know where he went wrong or if he did eneything wrong. Tbh came out of the tent still recovering from wheezing so hard.

"So addicted to his wing now are you!"

Socks just froze not knowing how to respond.

" well I mean it is really fluffy so like you cant juge me?!"

Tbh just gave hem a face palm but was smiling. He left up but relisd something on socks neck. He went over to get a better look but socks backed off obviously not wanting it to be seen. Tbh found it kinda sus as it was like a bruise like thing and he wanted to make sher it isn't a infection.

To say the least it was a goose chase for the two of them as meme watched eating some popcorn. Eventually socks slowed down enough for tbh to tackle hem. Socks didn't give up but tbh got a good hold on hem and only wanted to see if he was infected or not.he got better look at it and it was good it wasn't an infection but a hickey. He immediately wondered how he got it let go of hem. It was obvious that he was enbarisd about it and doesn't want eneyone else to know.

Tbh was ceurios if that was it or not cus if more then obviously something happened. He asked socks if that was it but atchley responded with there's a bit more but he was extremely enbarisd at this point. He took off his helmet thing and showed the bite mark on his shoulder that seemed a bit infected. Tbh got meme to help hem disinfect it and hope there isn't more then that.

Tbh has a small feeling it was blaza who did this but knew that blaza wouldn't go this far and thought it was someone else. He slowly started to think less that it was someone else as there's no why he would have had so meny bites and bruises on his back.  At his point he knew it was blaza even though he fought it could have been someone else theres no way that someone could take on socks as he had all these spikes on his back and realized one was missing. He went to the tent and grabbed the spike that was in blazas neck and put it on the spot of the missing one.

It fit perfectly and at this point it was blaza who did this theres no over whay to prove it was someone else. Tbh was slightly scared as he doesn't see blaza going this crazy. Tbh stopped helping hem and said he can put his spacesuits top back on now tho he left the helmet off for some reason.

Blaza came back nervous that socks would cling onto hem but it seems that socks is in the tent. Tbh was watching hem with a serious like smile as if he knew something. But what did he know. Tbh asked hem about why socks is covered in bruises and bites and he immediately became confused. Tbh pulled out the spike that was in his neck witch blaza suddenly realized why he was asking. Blaza doesn't even remember going eneything like that al he remembered was that they landed on the island and he fell asleep but woke back up at the campfire felling weird and extremely tired. Tbh didn't believe hem but she seemed to be looking trustful he also was obviously not in a state of minde that was safe and he suddenly calpesd but immediately got back up but was like a whole new person.

1242 words

Ya told you it's not the end yet.

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