Part 3

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Chapter 2

Deadly silence reigned in the dining room after Esmeralda's outburst and Astrid's crude comment. The butler rushed to the Madam's aid as her hand was bleeding from the shards of the glass. Meanwhile, Rosalinda could only gape at her step-sister and her mother. It was honestly undignified and suited her perfectly Astrid thought with mild amusement. Her father was gripping the silverware so tightly that she could see the tremors in his hands. At least that man knew how to control his emotions enough to not be seen as unseemly. Even though they were in their own house it was still filled with servants and the servants gossiped. Drama between Nobles was quite the hot topic for the Commoners.

Astrid looked to her right and saw that Edwin was holding his hands in front of his mouth to stop from laughing. He was only succeeding somewhat. Anyone could tell just by looking that the younger of the twins found this entire situation entertaining.

"YOU UNGRATEFUL BRAT!" Esmeralda shouted as she shrugged off the butler. "How dare you show such disrespect!"

"Isn't it more disrespectful that the wife of a Baron tries to dictate who the future Marchioness should marry?" Astrid shot back with a raised brow. She heard the strangled choke of her father and was quite happy.

Esmeralda sputtered for a moment before her glare at Astrid became harder. "How dare you call me the wife of a Baron! I am the Marchioness and Lady of the house! As if I would ever marry someone as lowly as a Baron!"

"Pfft...." Astrid couldn't take it anymore. She started laughing as tears sprang to her eyes out of joy. "Oh Esmeralda... HAHA... I hope you don't come to regret your outburst just now," She smiled at her step-mother and sat back. "It seems father hasn't told you the whole truth. You can never become the Marchioness,"

Astrid had expected the woman to have at least researched her position in the house over the years but it seems that she had given Esmeralda too much credit.

"Astrid now is not the time," her father said in a warning.

"No, now is exactly the time." Astrid stated as she folded her hands together while giving everyone at the table a serious look. "These assumptions that Baroness has that she can dictate my life stop now. I tolerated her for 7 years but as I will be an adult in a week the record needs to be set straight." Astrid purposely stressed Esmeralda's title to indicate that there was quite a gap in their status.

"Darling, what is she talking about? Has Astrid gone crazy?" Esmeralda asked with a frown but her husband was only silently glaring at Astrid.

"Daddy?" Rosalinda tried now which only caused Astrid to sigh.

"Honestly, have neither of you ever wondered why this place is called Hofferson Hall?" She then asked while crossing her arms. "My mother was Marchioness Hofferson. She kept her maiden name which means that she had a higher position than father."

"That means nothing! All the wife's assets become the husband's upon marriage. Even the title!" Esmeralda looked quite smug but then she frowned when Astrid just chuckled at her.

"Esmeralda, Rosalinda let me tell you two a story. It's about two completely different people coming together," Astrid smiled. "Once upon a time there was a king. This king had several wives. Each wife gave him children but only two were sons. Naturally the sons would compete for the throne and the daughters would be married off to create political alliances. But the fifth Princess was different. No one really spared her a glance but she was brilliant. She would often sneak into the study where her brothers were being tutored and would follow along. She learned more as she grew and then started her own business on the land that would have been set aside for her dowry. It was unheard of for a woman, especially a Noblewoman, to start a business but it ended up thriving. When war broke out a few decades later, she practically funded the war effort after the kingdom's coffers ran dry. So impressed by his daughter, the king granted her the title of Marchioness and an entire fiefdom to govern for her and her descendants. The woman also received all the rights a man could have for her to conduct her business further much to the protest of other Nobles."

Here Astrid paused to let this part sink in. She then looked at her father and then smirked. "And then we have a down on his luck Baron who became penniless due to the bad investments of his predecessor. Thrown out on the streets from a pub he was nearly run over by a carriage belonging to a Noble. That Noble was none other than the Marchioness. She took pity on the young man that was down on his luck and injured and nursed his injuries the horse had caused. The man was grateful but he was also ambitious and tried to court the woman. The Marchioness was not blinded by love but thought about her situation practically. To Noble society her image was starting to become that of a spinster and the rumors were affecting her business. She needed a husband and the man wooing her needed her name and money so he could save his land. So they struck up a deal,"

Astrid's smile seemed predatory as she leaned forward on the table. She had the rapt attention of everyone in the room. Of course the butler and the maids already knew this story and so did her father. She just told it for dramatic effect as she enjoyed watching realization sink in for both Esmeralda and Rosalinda. The plain truth tended to cut far deeper wounds at times when someone was itching to throw an axe. Edwin seemed to be doing alright. He was more interested in the story than what it meant for him in the long run she noted.

"Ah where was I.... Oh yes, they struck up a deal." Astrid said. "It was a marriage of convenience but the contract had clauses. The firstborn child resulting from their union, regardless of gender, would be the heir to the Marquisdom. If the heir is unable to fulfill their duties the fief and title will be passed to the next in line. If there are no more heirs then the Marquisdom shall become property of the spouse. The spouse may use all the money and influence of a Marquis as long as he stays faithful to his partner. In the event of the death of the Marchioness before the heir is of age the spouse shall act as regent until such time the title can be passed down." Astrid recited from memory. Her mother had told her of this since she was small and made sure she never forgot it. The look of horror on Rosalinda's face made her giddy. Esmeralda was just staring blankly now at her husband.

"I am the first and only born child from that union which automatically makes me the next Marchioness Hofferson at my Coming-of-Age. By law a regent cannot arrange for any marriage to his or her ward unless properly agreed upon by all parties. Father never specified in the contract who would be his heir so Imperial law takes over there, making Edwin the heir to the Barony." Astrid stated quite frankly.

"This can't be legal!" Esmeralda exclaimed as she slammed her hands on the table, hissing as her wrapped hand started bleeding again.

"Esmeralda please..." Astrid's father tried to calm his wife but it didn't seem to be helping.

"No! This can't be legal!" She persisted.

"My mother had received all the rights to conduct business through a Royal edict. This includes drafting contracts, such as the contract father signed. I'm afraid that it is perfectly binding. These same rights will be passed down to me in a week."

Astrid stood up from the table then and looked at Edwin "Would you escort me back to my room. I think this dinner has been trying for me." She said while stifling a fake yawn.

Edwin noticed her attempt to get them out of the room and he enthusiastically held his arm out. When they were in the hallway, out of earshot from the others Edwin exclaimed "That was so cool!"

Meanwhile, back in the dining room, Esmeralda called out to her husband only to receive a cold shoulder in return. She bit the nail on her thumb as she thought for a bit. Her outburst had probably lost her, her husband's favor and it certainly didn't help with the news the brat revealed.

"Mother, what are we going to do now?" Rosalinda asked as she placed a calming hand on her mother's shoulder.

"We still have a chance," Esmeralda muttered. "Yes, we still have a chance,"

"We do?" Rosalinda asked with a bit of worry in her voice.

"Yes! All you have to do is become the Crown Princess." Esmeralda declared as she grabbed her daughter's shoulders. Rosalinda was quite surprised by the look in her mother's eyes. "Even if that brat becomes the Marchioness she would still have to bow down to the Crown princess and future Queen."

AN: The author has written the next chapter in approximately 20 minutes due to high sugar consumption. The author will now ZZZZZZZZ....

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