Part 49

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Chapter 48

'That was... interesting,' Astrid thought as she watched the two elderly ladies bicker about events past. Hiccup had told her about the shieldmaidens on Berk and how they all respected Evelin and her line for the sacrifice she'd made for their tribe. The elderly woman, though dressed in the constricting fashion of this Kingdom, certainly still bore traces of the warrior she once was. Astrid would not underestimate her in a fight, which was good because they might have to fight their way out of this mess if the twins did not hurry up.

In no way had she thought that the Prince would simply demand her hand in marriage. He must have been truly desperate to get his hand on her family's fortune. 'Just how deep had he depleted the Royal treasury?' She mused while hoping that the PLAN went off without a hitch.

"Why do you keep gazing at that bell tower?" Theodora asked with a frown which startled Astrid.

"I... uhm...,"

"Do not try to hide it. Even during our previous conversations, you had been side-eyeing that tower." The Dowerger Queen continued.

"Is it something that we need to be concerned about?" Evelin asked as she now too looked in the direction Astrid was focussed on. The large clock read that it was nearly a quarter till noon. The Founding Day celebrations were scheduled to officially begin in the evening at six so, as Theodora had pointed out, it was weird for Lady Astrid to be so focussed on the time right now.

"It's just..." Astrid stopped, a bit flustered. She hadn't considered that someone would call her out on this small action. Clearly, the Dowager Queen was as sharp as ever. She honestly did not know what to say right now. Should she confide in these two ladies or should she keep their involvement to a minimum. "I don't know if it is wise to say at this time," She frowned as she looked around. The room they had been isolated in looked like any other luxurious room but these Palaces had secret passageways so who knew if they might be monitored at this time.

"I... simply had an appointment at noon," Astrid explained as she stressed the word noon. "Quite an important appointment actually. A friend of mine was going to release an injured kingfisher back into the wild."

Astrid who was not one to speak in riddles tried her best however to get the point across. The kingfishers were often birds associated with royalty so the ladies present should be able to make a connection.

"That is quite the tale, I believe," Theodora answered back. "Terrible, honestly. What is my son thinking keeping you here,"

Astrid perked up. So Theodora had picked up on what she was hinting at and so apparently had Evelin as the woman had stood up while still holding a teacup gracefully.

"It would be best not to keep your friend waiting I suppose," Evelin said as she reached for the fire poker nestled against the fireplace. "I'm sure those lovely guards out there can be persuaded." Astrid just blinked as she looked at her grandmother, grey-haired and all, holding a teacup elegantly in her hand with her pinky raised while holding onto the poker with the other.

"I agree, we have been dilly-dallying far too long." Theodora stated as she grabbed the porcelain plate that had been used to serve them some finger food as if that would make their detainment any better.

"Lady Astrid could you be a dear and lay yourself on the floor while acting as if you are in pain?" Theodora then asked.

Astrid's eyes widened and she let out a "Huh?" before doing what she was asked. As she lay there on the floor in the classic helpless damsel pose the two elderly women went to work, shouting at the guards on the other side that one of the ladies needed medical attention. The frantic banging at the door continued as Astrid just played possum. She was quite astounded at their skill of acting.

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