Part 46

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Chapter 45

It was a rainy afternoon when a black horse-drawn carriage made its way through the ornate gates of the Hofferson estate for what was probably the last time. As the rain battered against the window panes, two women could be seen seeing the carriage off from the second floor.

"He's not going to turn back," Astrid muttered.

"I know...," Rosalinda replied. "I just wish he would have at least looked me in the eye before he left."

"Father's personality is rotten. Do you really think he'd..."

"I know," Rose cut her off. "I just... He loved me! I was his daughter all those years and now... now... he won't even let me see him off," She sniffed. "Where all those years for naught?! I tried to be the perfect daughter!"

Astrid showed no pity for Rose however because just as her father had coddled one daughter he had easily discarded the other. The one that was his actual flesh and blood.

Rose stood like a statue, trying to hold back the tears Astrid knew would flow once she was in her rooms. The last two weeks had been anything but pleasant.

Snotlout had stayed in the manor for only two days. After a Terrible Terror came carrying Hiccup's letters for them he was heading back to Berk, seemingly on a flaming dragon that apparently had been hidden in the woods on her estate. Next time Astrid was going to have to talk with Snotlout about forest fire safety. Though that could wait as Astrid smiled at the letter she had opened once safely back in her rooms.

Hiccup's humor showed through the paper as he recounted the events leading up to him being stabbed... twice, not thrice like Snotlout had hinted and then subsequently being nearly trampled by Toothless and several other dragons as the fishing boats moored.

She actually laughed out loud at Hiccup's recount of Gobber claiming he needed to bulk up or else Hræsvelgr's winds would sweep him up and over the edge of the island, which would most likely be bad for his love life.

There was little to do today. Astrid had already been to visit the bedridden King, who was doing much better now under William's watch. She was glad because if they were going to pull this off the King needed to be in good enough shape to oppose Grimmel. That dastardly Crown Prince had even sent her an invitation to the Palace and a letter that asked if she would arrive a bit earlier on Founding day so that they could go over some logistics. Astrid doubted that would be the case but she hardly had a good reason to refuse the request.

A commotion outside her window alerted her to a situation happening downstairs. By the time she reached the foyer Samuel was being restrained by several servants, including William. His wild outbursts and slurred words all point to him having inhibited enough alcohol to drown a horse.

"Just what is going on here?!" Astrid asked as she stopped on the 4th stair before reaching the foyer.

"You! THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" Samuel shouted as he made a grab towards his daughter's direction though he was stopped short as the footmen managed to keep him at bay until two knights arrived.

"Escort him to his rooms and do not let him out." Astrid ordered as her eyes narrowed.

"How dare you try to confine me!" Samuel struggled. "I am your father. You are to obey and respect me!"

"THEN ACT LIKE A FATHER!" Astrid shouted, startling the man into silence. No one in the foyer had expected the Lady's outburst and as she came down the last of the steps to stand in front of the drunken brute not a whisper was heard from the servants.

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