Part 40

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Chapter 39

"Besides, we have a secret weapon," Astrid now smirked dangerously. "Dragons," Astrid thought back to that afternoon's discussion and pondered if she hadn't been too presumptuous. She currently sat in her room enjoying some Camomile tea that Atali had prepared along with a light dinner. She had opted out of dessert and just as she was placing her teacup down the double doors to her room burst open to admit her 'father'.

"How dare you make such an idiotic move!" Her father yelled as he approached her table near the large balcony windows before slamming his hands on it to rattle the teacup and saucers. "Have you any idea what you've done?!"

"Good evening to you as well father. What brings you here this fine evening?" Astrid asked in a bland tone as she looked at the man who was just bursting with anger.

"How dare you take that tone with me! Wasn't destroying your brother's engagement enough? Now you have to act all high and mighty?!" Spittle flew from Samuel's mouth and Astrid had to grimace.

"First of all father..." Astrid stressed the moniker. "I did no such thing. Lady O'fair left of her own free will." Astrid shot back. "Furthermore there was no engagement. Edwin stated that he would never marry Lady O'fair."

"That's a goddamn lie!" Samuel shouted. "That boy knows what he has to do for the good of this family, unlike other ungrateful brats!"

"While I am the Head of this family," Astrid stated as her eyes narrowed at the blatant disrespect "I will not persuade Edwin to get engaged to a Lady he does not like, especially since he is currently courting someone of his own volition."

"WHAT?! WHO?!" Samuel yelled as his brows shot up.

"Father I suggest you keep your voice down in my chambers." Astrid warned. "If you want to behave like an uncultured gnat in your own rooms so be it but I like my quiet surroundings."

"Un-Uncultured!" The man sputtered while Astrid took a sip of her now lukewarm tea.

"Do sit down," Astrid offered the chair opposite to her. "Frankly you saved me the trouble of summoning you to my office tomorrow. There is something we need to discuss."

"I have nothing to discuss with you," The other growled but did sit down. Astrid was miffed enough that she didn't offer him any tea.

"Are you going to tell me what Lady Edwin is courting?" Samuel asked, though now more calmly. It seemed he finally grasped that Astrid was not going to behave the way he wanted if he screamed at her.

"No," Astrid deadpanned. "My dear step-brother's social life is none of my business. What I wish to discuss with you is granting Edwin the title of Baron when he turns sixteen in a couple of months."

"Are you daft?! Why would I give up my title? Edwin will inherit it when I'm good and gone!" Samuel's fist clenched upon the table.

"It is either you step down gracefully or..." Astrid stood up and walked to her nightstand and retrieved a rather official-looking document. She then proceeded to hold it in front of her father. "...Or the authorities get involved and you will be meeting the hangman's noose."

"What is this?" Samuel grabbed the document out of his daughter's hand and scanned it. Astrid watched him turn as white as a specter as he kept reading.

"This... this...," He sputtered as the document fluttered onto the table. "This is some underhanded scheme of yours isn't it?! You want to be rid of me that badly!"

"The prospect of getting rid of you is appealing," Astrid retorted. "But this," She tapped her finger on the table where the official document was "is not my doing. It's ingenious though. I can't help but be happy at seeing you so utterly trapped."

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