Part 11

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Chapter 10

"Your Highness," A maid bowed as she entered the opulent room. The lady of the house was seated in front of a large mirror attached to the wall. Gold leaves had been painstakingly engraved around the mirror frame by skilled craftsmen that showed off the lavish lifestyle this woman had. Two other women, her most trustworthy ladies-in-waiting, were busy doing her long graying hair into an intricate and sophisticated hairstyle and adjusting her makeup.

The elderly poised woman looked briefly at the maid that still had the bowed pose before saying "You are the one assigned to the Dowager Consort am I right?"

"Yes ma'am." The maid acknowledged. "The Consort has the same question as yesterday. Will you meet with her, Dowager Regent?"

"A new dawn is nearing," The elderly woman muttered more to herself thoughtfully as she was still looking in the mirror. "Whether that dawn is a blessing or a curse is another matter entirely."

"Your Highness, may I speak freely?" The young maid asked as she looked towards the floor. There was an expensive hand-woven red carpet under her shoes so she focussed on that. Not even noticing that the Ladies-in-waiting had stopped their ministrations briefly at the audacity of this young maid.

"I will allow it," The Lady of the house said not even fazed.

"Your Highness, I fear that the Dowager Consort will stay as long as it takes for her to get a meeting with you. Would it not be prudent to get this matter over and done with? She seems like a very determined person." The maid nervously voiced. "Why you simply did not meet her yesterday in the parlor baffles me."

"Tell me dear girl. Would you meet with the woman that had caught your husband's wandering eye?" The Dowager Regent expressed coldly. The young maid stammered, trying to say something but the woman held up a hand to silence her. "But you are right. I should meet with her soon. Relay to her that I will have the garden prepped for afternoon tea. She is free to join me in the western gazebo."

"I shall do so immediately, your Highness," The young maid said and quickly fled the room. Once the maid was gone the Ladies-in-Waiting voiced their opinions.

"Your Highness, why would you even meet with HER?!"

"Haven't you always despised her?"

"Surely nothing good can come out of this meeting! Lady Theodora, please reconsider."

"Despise is a strong word Gwendalin," Theodora answered.

"But she stole your husband from you!" Gwendalin replied while looking worried.

"As did Lady Lewison," Theodora's eyes were cold.

"I'm sorry your Highness, I did not mean to bring up unpleasant memories." Gwendalin apologized after she caught both the look from the Lady and her colleague. She should have known better than to bring up Lady Lewison. "I just worry about your Highness."

"Gwendalin, Sasha, you two fine ladies have been with me for years but you don't know some of the darker secrets the Royal family has and I pray that you never find out." Theodora was firm in her stance. "I will meet with Lady Hofferson for afternoon tea. Please tell the maids to prepare the gazebo. The lady in question is still a guest in my home and I will not shirk my duties as host."

Come tea time the ladies were seated in the western gazebo surrounded by aromatic flowers. There was tension in the air as the maids poured the tea and presented the snacks on an ornate three-tier tray for the table. There were scones and biscuits, cookies and small cakes as well as finger sandwiches. "Leave us," Theodora dismissed both her Ladies-in-Waiting as well as the maids while nonchalantly pouring in a dollop of honey into her tea. The staff still casted furtive glances at the ladies but left as ordered.

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