Part 14

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Chapter 13

"Earl Deranged," A voice tore through the silence of the study Dagur was in. He looked up to see the Crown prince Grimmel barge inside looking rather angrily.

"What brings you here my prince?" Dagur asked while indicating for the man to take a seat. "I'll instruct the maids to bring refreshments."

"There is no need, I won't be staying long. I've only come to ask why you were so vocally against the Campaign meeting today." Grimmel asked with a frown. "The older generals are making a stink."

"The old generals should retire. My Prince, don't you think enough is enough?!" Dagur grumbled. "The soldiers are tired. They are battle-worn. The war with the Northlanders is still fresh in people's minds. To suggest another military campaign now..... And a winter one at that!"

"We won the last winter campaign didn't we?" Grimmel retorted.

"By the sheer luck on our backs!" Dagur uttered. "Even I know that our soldiers were fortunate enough to be able to cross that frozen river that led to the Northlander border. Ill-prepared winter campaigns have a high mortality rate. Why do you keep pushing for one, and at Berk especially?! What do they have that is even remotely strategic for us?! They're an island kingdom in the middle of nowhere!"

The prince sighed and muttered, "That is confidential." but Dagur crossed his arms and frowned. "All I can tell you right now is that there is more to that Kingdom than we realize. They are a bunch of barbarians, yet they managed to grow their cities to the neighbouring islands. Our scouts haven't been able to penetrate far into their territory and that denotes a very high level of security. Just what are they protecting?"

"You are forgetting that the Berkian kingdom is our allied nation. There is a treaty in place. We cannot just attack carelessly with no provocation." Dagur stated as he sat back down behind his desk.

"That's another thing that's suspicious don't you think?" Grimmel sounded impatient. "The treaty was proposed by the Berkians first and I highly doubt that it was from seeing our Kingdom's fearsome might as we unified the mainland." Grimmel's laugh didn't meet his eyes. "They sent a volunteer to marry my grandfather. Lord only knows what her background was. The woman that came bearing the treaty even had the audacity to suggest that she wanted to keep her family name after marriage,"

"Yes, yes, we all know the story of Consort Hofferson." Dagur sighed dramatically. "Be that as it may, I will not support any winter campaign let alone one that would have us declaring war against an allied kingdom. You and the old Generals can come at me all you want. My stance won't change."

"You really need to rethink your stance, Earl Deranged." Grimmel said as he too stood up and headed for the door. "It would be a pity to see your sister's fall from grace so early into her social debut. I met your sister on the way here. Fine woman, she has become. She's engaged to Earl Nelson right now, such a shame for such a profitable marriage. Truly a shame."


"I do hope you come to the right decision here. Earl," Grimmel said as he exited the study. "Tarry too long and my hand might just..... Slip." The prince opened the door and said lastly with a smirk "Have a good day Lord Deranged."

"DAMNIT!" Dagur exclaimed while banging his fists against his mahogany desk in anger. "DAMNIT DAMNIT DAMNIT!"

A few weeks later an anxious Dagur stood on the steps of his Summer manor bidding farewell to his sister in the early morning. "I still don't understand why you have to go all the way back to the capital." Heather frowned. "You're one of the Commanders of the Royal Navy, it's not like his Majesty will ignore your missives."

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